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Monthly Archives: January 2011

The U.S. Dollar Will Collapse Within 24 Months! Got Gold (or Silver)?

The consequences of decades of abuse to the system of credit in the United States are coming to a head and the gray clouds that loom over the skies of the dollar are growing bolder by the day and darker by the minute. The cold hard fact is I expect the U.S. dollar to ultimately collapse within 24 short months. Words: 682

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Why I Think the U.S Is Smoking Crack – & China Is Smoking Opium!

Despite the best efforts by the American mainstream financial media, the eager PR division of the United States Dollar Ponzi Scheme, to paint the rosiest of rosy pictures for blindly optimistic readers, the stubborn image of a debt-swollen jobless behemoth economy slowly toppling persists. No matter how much U.S. departmental data is primped, polished, and primed, no amount of lipstick is going to transform this fat pig into a princess! [Let me explain.] Words: 1227

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S&P 500 is 45% Overvalued According to Reversion to Mean Analysis!

Was the March 2009 low the end of a secular bear market and the beginning of a secular bull? Without a crystal ball, we simply don't know. One thing we can do is examine the past to broaden our understanding of the range of possibilities [so let's do just that by looking at charts of the inflation-adjusted secular highs and lows and regressions to trend of the S&P 500 from 1871 to the present so we can make some sense of it all]. Words: 682

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Washington Faces Possible Armageddon Unlike Any Since Civil War

The U.S. debt crisis represents a unique, unparalleled, and unimaginable convergence of circumstances yet, despite the utter gravity of our plight, nothing is being done to change our course. Washington must either muster the courage — and the support of the people — to accept the pain and make the sacrifices of a lifetime ... or face the downfall of America. Words: 898

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Update: These 113 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go Parabolic to $3,000 or More! (+10K Views)

More and more economists, analysts and financial writers, 122 in fact, have taken the bold step of projecting the price at which gold will achieve its parabolic peak with 6 individuals claiming that the peak price will be realized sometime in 2011. Some have adjusted their previous prognostications higher given gold's strong advance again in 2010 while others have jumped aboard what has become a bandwagon of optimism. The majority (84) maintain that $5,000 or more for gold is possible. Words: 826

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Why Slashing Government Spending Now Would Result In A Depression

As the United States debates its economic future in light of large government budget deficits, it is important that the public [understands that] before we can reach the point where the government can spend less, the country must go through a period where the government spends much more wisely. To simply slash government spending now would result in a depression in the United States and around the world. [Let me explain.] Words: 1251

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