Friday , 19 April 2024

2.9M Views: A Satirical Look at U.S. Debt Ceiling Limit from a Personal Perspective (+2K Views)

The United States debt limit is explained in this 3:09 satirical video which takes a look at the national debt from a family perspective. Very amusing – very insightful – very troubling.

This video from was produced by Seth William Meier, DP/Edited by Craig Evans, 1st AC Brian Andrews, Sound Mixer Gus Salazar, Written and Directed by Brian Stepanek.

This video is presented compliments of (Your Key to Making Money!) Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Help us spread the word – pass it on – [and also read this article which gives a more serious look at what the debt ceiling is and why it is important].

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10. U.S Likely to Hit the Financial Wall by 2017! Here’s Why


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One of the problems with the debate over the “national debt” is that there’s no generally agreed upon definition of that term. Is it what the federal government owes, or what it owes foreigners, or what the whole country, private and public sector together, owes? Does it include off-balance-sheet items and contingent liabilities? There’s a hundred-trillion dollar gap between lowest and highest on this spectrum, which allows each commentator to confuse the rest of us by picking the measure that best suits their point of view. [Let’s try to decipher the true state of the nation.] Words: 1468

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economic Armageddon

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18. The Average U.S. Citizen Is Clueless Regarding the Desperate Shape the Country Is In! Are You?


The corrosive nature of politics and government has destroyed the economy and the moral fiber of citizens. These issues are not insurmountable, but they are very close to being so. Their ramifications are potentially existential in nature: the average length of life, the very time span or cycle of a nation has been proven in history to be approximately 250 years.  Since the USA was born in 1776 this says we have about 14 years of life remaining for America. The way things are going we don’t doubt it. [Let me explain.] Words: 768

19. The “Great Crisis” Is Well On Its Way and Will Make 2008 Look Like a Joke!


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20. The U.S. Economy is Going to Collapse…It is Unavoidable…It’s a Mathematical Certainty…Here’s Why


The level of debt has surpassed the possibilities of being serviced. Mathematically, the debt problem cannot be solved, regardless of economic policies. That, unfortunately, is written. For it to be serviceable would be to violate the laws of mathematics and that cannot happen. [As such, America is quickly approaching a catastrophic economic collapse. As repelling as that sounds, it’s in your own best interest to learn just how bad the situation is. This article is an attempt to do just that.] Words: 310


One comment

  1. Perhaps this is the format of the future…

    You tube videos so readers can watch instead of read what these people are saying…