Thursday , 25 April 2024

Tag Archives: QE

No Further QE Until This Fall – Here’s Why

The Federal Reserve is in quite a pickle. Mr. Market expects them to print money to support the economy...but if the economy continues down this path, we may have a deflationary depression on our hands...Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has said he will not allow this to happen under any circumstances. The Fed wants to keep interest rates low and create inflation so that it can pay off existing debt with cheaper dollars, avoiding insolvency. [The fact of the matter, however, is that] the Federal Reserve cannot stop printing money or the U.S. will experience the economic phenonmenon referred to as the Minsky Moment. [Let me explain just what the aforementioned all means.] Words: 1195

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No Further QE Until This Fall – Here's Why

The Federal Reserve is in quite a pickle. Mr. Market expects them to print money to support the economy...but if the economy continues down this path, we may have a deflationary depression on our hands...Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has said he will not allow this to happen under any circumstances. The Fed wants to keep interest rates low and create inflation so that it can pay off existing debt with cheaper dollars, avoiding insolvency. [The fact of the matter, however, is that] the Federal Reserve cannot stop printing money or the U.S. will experience the economic phenonmenon referred to as the Minsky Moment. [Let me explain just what the aforementioned all means.] Words: 1195

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Hathaway: Next Round of QE Will See Gold, Silver and Mining Stocks Go Ballistic! Here's Why

"Even with the prospect of no QE, if you believe the Fed, gold has not made a new low [since December] so, in my opinion, the absence of QE is priced into gold. On the other hand, if market conditions hit emergency levels, the central banks will be forced to their knees and they will be doing QE by whatever name it’s called. I think at that stage you are going to see gold go ballistic because it will be an admission of failure on the part of policymakers....If investors don’t do something now and take advantage of this funky period we are in, this daily grind of back and forth, they are going to be paralyzed. They will just be bystanders when gold finally takes off.”

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Jim Sinclair: ‘The End Is Not Near, It Is Here and Now’ (+2K Views)

Jim Sinclair is now warning... that ‘The end is not near, it is here and now’ in reference to the global financial system...[and] reiterating his long held view that there will be “QE to infinity” despite the denials of Bernanke and other central bankers. [He also has some interesting things to say about gold and alarming things to say about the euro. Read on.] Words: 305

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Government Can’t Prevent the Next Financial Disaster – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

Even as I write these words, the world's largest economy — the E.U. — is coming unglued at the seams, the world's second largest — the U.S. — is careening headlong toward a fiscal cliff that promises to gut its GDP, nearly all of Asia — including Japan, China and India — is slowing...and yet most investors still don't get the message. [Let me go on to explain just what that message is.] Words: 1357

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Any Way You Look At It Very High Inflation Is Inevitable – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

How this economic disaster ends is something about which many of us speculate. Two extreme endings are likely — a sudden deflationary collapse or a period of very high inflation/hyperinflation which ultimately cripples commerce and resolves itself in a deflationary collapse. In either case, the deflationary collapse is another Great Depression. It is important to know which route will occur because of what will happen to asset values along the way. Words: 1057

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Monetary Inflation is Insidious and Like an Addictive Drug – Here are 8 Reasons Why (+2K Views)

Money/credit expansion (inflation) is insidious and like an addictive drug. The first effects appear to be pleasant - a seeming increase, if not boom, in business; lower interest rates; more available credit and a decline in unemployment - BUT, unless the monetary stimulus is continued, and probably at increasingly higher doses, the temporary high disappears. Below is a sampling of what eventually happens when central bankers try to 'help' the economy by creating money out of nothing. Words: 799

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John Hathaway: Financial Repression to Continue Even Under the Most Optimistic Scenarios

"In our view, monetary policy has been boxed in by previous actions, election year politics (and even more broadly by the dynamics of the contemporary state of democracy), and the slowdown in global forex accumulation. The result, we expect, will be a continuation of financial repression under the most optimistic of scenarios. At the very least, returns on liquid capital could remain negative for many years to come. Under such circumstances, demand for the protection offered by gold should remain strong. Should the presumed economic recovery falter, we anticipate that the calls for renewed QE will be deafening." John Hathaway

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