Tuesday , 17 September 2024

2012: More Money-printing Leading to Accelerating Inflation, Rising Interest Rates & Then U.S. Debt Crisis! Got Gold? (+4K Views)

Evidence shows that the U.S. money supply trend is in the early stages of hyperbolic growth coupled with a similar move in the price of gold. All sign point to a further escalation of money-printing in 2012…followed by unexpected and accelerating price inflation, followed by a rise in nominal interest rates that will bring a sovereign debt crisis for the U. S. dollar with it as the cost of borrowing for the government escalates…[Let me show you the evidence.] Words: 660

So says Alasdair Macleod (www.goldmoney.com) in edited excerpts from his original article*.

Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!) edited the article below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Macleod goes on to say:

The one chart which defines the background to all the events [that will unfold] in the coming years is the Mises Institute’s True Money Supply (TMS) for the US dollar. TMS consists of cash, checking accounts and no-notice deposit accounts, as well as a few other minor cash balances. It represents the actual cash and electronic cash in the system that is instantly available for purchases of goods and services, and the chart goes back to 1959.

The Hyperbolic Course of the True Money Supply

Money supply

The dotted line [in the graph above] is the exponential growth trend, in other words the maximum rate of growth that can continue for ever. This trend was valid until mid-2002…[at which time the] TMS began accelerating at a faster rate telling us that TMS growth [had] entered a hyperbolic phase when the Fed eased rates in the wake of the dot-com collapse. Put another way, TMS is already hyperinflationary.

Bear in mind that economists are now telling central banks to accelerate monetary growth even faster to offset the tendency for bank credit to contract. They see no other way to avoid a bank balance sheet implosion with all the deflationary consequences that implies. [As such,] the prospects for 2012 and thereafter are for TMS to continue its hyperbolic trend…[as it] supply funds for a government deficit completely out of control. Also bear in mind that when such a trend becomes established it becomes almost impossible to stop, since the whole debt-based economy and the banking system would collapse.

The Hyperbolic Course of the Price of Gold

The chart [below] shows gold’s established hyperbolic course…[as] put together by Armand Koolen… In Koolen’s words, the hyperbola fits in with the official gold price in the early 1900s, the revaluation to $35 in 1934, the onset of the secular bull market in 2001, the bottom in October 2008 and its approximate track since then.

Gold price chart, 1900-2011

His discovery is interesting. Singularity for this curve, or the point where the gold price goes to theoretical infinity, is in February 2014, only 26 months away. Unless this long-term trend is somehow broken, gold is also telling us the dollar is heading for hyperinflation.

It would be a mistake to vest magical powers in such an extraordinary discovery, but given [that] TMS itself is showing signs of going hyperbolic we must sit up and take notice… [It will prove to be virtually impossible] to stop printing money at an accelerating rate [as evidenced by the fact that when the ECB showed a reluctance to do so it threatened]… to collapse the eurozone. Will the Fed pull the trigger on the US economy or chicken out? The answer is clear.

What Does the Future Hold?

We can expect:

  1.  a further escalation of money-printing in 2012…
  2. followed by unexpected and accelerating price inflation
  3. nominal interest rates will then rise at the market’s behest
  4. bringing a sovereign debt crisis for the dollar with it as the cost of borrowing for the government escalates…


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