Thursday , 6 February 2025

An Analysis of the World’s Top 50 Gold Producing Mines (+4K Views)

How rare is gold? Where are the world’s gold reserves located? What is the cost of mining gold? Which continent is the most economic at mining gold? What is the future of mining gold? This infographic has the answers.

The following infographic* is from and was originally entitled What Is the Cost of Mining Gold?.

This post is presented compliments of Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) and the free Intelligence Report newsletter (sample here).

Cost of Mining Gold infographic


Other Gold Related Articles/Videos/Infographics:

1. What Does a “Troy” Ounce of Gold Mean? What Does 18 or 24 “Karat” Gold Mean?


When the price of gold is mentioned as costing “x dollars per troy ounce” do you fully appreciate the signifance of the term “troy”? When looking to buy gold jewellery do you fully understand what the difference is between an item that is 10 “karat” gold and another item stamped 18 “karat” gold (other than that it is much more expensive)? Let me explain. Words: 587

2.  Why Is There Such An Interest In Gold?

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< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold-bullion-bars-51″

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< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold-bullion-bars-51″

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold-bullion-bars-51″Is gold a commodity or currency? How does it behave as an investment? What are the fundamentals of investing in gold? What are the different ways investors can get exposure to gold in their portfolios? The answers to these questions and many others are answered in this latest infographic from Visual Capitalist.

3. Part 1: An Infographic on the History of Gold and What Makes It So Great

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”Wars have been fought over gold, love has been expressed by it an gold has changed the landscape of civilizations and the world – but what makes gold so great? This infographic examines the history of gold from ancient history to the gold rushes of the centuries ago. It looks at its properties and how it became not only a currency, but the gold standard.

4. Part 2: An Infographic on Gold Mining & Supply

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< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold-bullion-bars-51″

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5. Part 3: China’s Role in the Future of Gold

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< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold-bullion-bars-51″

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold-bullion-bars-51″In this infographic we look at how gold growth in China will impact the future of the precious metal. In Q4 of 2011 and continuing into 2012, China has bought more gold overall than even India and will continue to play an important role in consumption.

6. 2012 Ranking of Global Gold Mines & Deposits

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”Gold_intro”How many ounces of in-situ gold exist? How many gold mines exist in Canada and elsewhere? How rare is a 1.0 million ounce undeveloped deposit? This report answers these questions and more while providing insight into the scarcity of mines & deposits.

7. Take a Look: This Interactive Infographic Shows Gold’s Ongoing Interaction With World Events


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< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”gold”

< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”gold”As long as there have been people, there’s been an attraction to gold. From pharaohs to hedge funds, gold has been an important tool of building and protecting wealth. Take a look at the interactive gold timeline below which carries you through gold’s enduring path as a universal symbol of wealth.

8. This Infographic on Gold Shows/Tells It All

9. Vaulted Gold: What Is It and How Does It Compare With Other Gold Investments?


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< p>< p>< p>< p>< noscript>”gold”The infographic below on vaulted gold explains what vaulted gold is and visualizes key facts relating to investments in gold that is stored on behalf of investors in high-security vaults.

10. Where in the World Does All the Gold Come From? Look at This Infographic

11. Finally! Gold & Silver “Bars” You Can Carry In Your Wallet!

CombiBars™ are precious metal bars which are constructed with predetermined breaking points so they can be separated easily without any loss of material. Indeed, they are designed such that the divisible bar can easily be carried in your wallet.

12. Gold: Why It Makes the Ideal Alternative Pricing Mechanism – An Infographic

Measuring market data using fiat currencies can be misleading. Even though an asset may rise in dollars, it may be because of declining currency value rather than true economic process.  With central banks devaluing currency at record rates, gold’s steady purchasing power makes it an ideal alternative pricing mechanism.

13. The Secret World of Gold: An Exceptional Documentary Video

In recent years, economic uncertainty has given gold a new luster in the world of high finance. Whether it’s a few gold coins or gold bars stored in one of the many vaults around the world, many investors are taking a shine to it. This 3-part documentary explores the power and politics of gold. Read More »

14. 10 Fascinating Facts About Gold


Did you know that more gold has been found in the United States (followed extremely closely by Canada) than any other country? Read on to learn 9 more fascinating facts about gold that you may not have read anywhere else. Read More »



One comment

  1. Nice graphics, now if they do the same for Silver and the other PM’s it would make a great SET.