Saturday , 8 February 2025

Canada Has Devalued Its Dollar (Loonie) Again – Why? (+2K Views)

The Bank of Canada has cut its overnight rate for the second time in the last six months – to 0.5% – and the Canadian dollar has reacted as expected, [indeed, as intended,] putting the Canadian dollar at a six-year low in terms of dollars (-10.2%) and pound sterling (-10.4%). So why the rate cuts and competitive devaluation?

The above chart and edited excerpts, and those below, are from an article* by originally entitled Currency Wars: The Maple Syrup Edition [Chart] – Loonie plunges to 6-year lows, BoC concerned about “financial stability risks” which can be viewed HERE in its entirety.

Why the rate cuts and competitive devaluation? Well, instead of global growth resuming and the status quo being pierced back together again as hoped for, Canada is experiencing:

  • a technical recession with two consecutive quarters of negative growth,
  • crashing commodity prices [see HERE],
  • an iffy recovery for the United States,
  • an eurozone held together by a thread
  • and every other country either:
    • creating money out of thin air,
    • cutting rates,
    • using monetary stimulus,
    • or borrowing extra debt, it makes it extremely difficult to go against the grain.

Against that backdrop, there’s only one thing to do: cut rates again!

Despite the Canadian economy treading water as of late [see HERE], there are two concerning metrics (vulnerabilities) that have been peaking:

  • household debt [see HERE]
  • and rising housing prices [see HERE]

and, Stephen Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, acknowledges that the rate cut could exacerbate these vulnerabilities.

Global monetary policy these days is a fast moving stream. It’s far easier to paddle along with the current and simply hope that there are no waterfalls or sharp rocks further down the way so paddle away, Mr. Poloz and let’s hope there’s no rocky spots downstream that could capsize the boat.


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1. Oh Canada! Are You Prepared For What’s Likely Coming?

June 29, 2015

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2. Smug Canadians Ignoring Looming “POP” In Housing Bubble

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4. Canadians Take Note: Country’s Economy Will Blow Up If This Event Happens There

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6. Canada’s Housing Bubble Is A Sight To Behold – A Terrible Sight! Here’s Why

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7. Implosion In Canada’s Housing Market Is Inevitable! Here’s Why

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8. Continued Low Oil Prices Could Seriously Damage Canada’s Economy – Here Why & How

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9. Housing Bubble Threatens Financial Stability of Canada – Here’s Why

Over the last 14 years, house prices in Canada have increased by 150%, twice as fast as in the U.S…[and] far outpacing household incomes. Any increase in interest rates would prick the bubble, and its implosion would trigger all sorts of mayhem to the point that the Canadian government has expressed concerned that such an event would be a significant risk to the “stability of the financial system”.

10. Toronto’s Epic Condo Bubble Suddenly Turns into Condo Glut

In May, prices in Toronto rose another 5% from a year ago. For all types of homes, prices are now 42% higher than at the crazy peak of the prior bubble and, based on data from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., the number of completed but unsold condos in Toronto spiked in May to 2,837, an all-time record high. The magnitude of this spike far exceeds the monthly ups and downs in recent years, and exceeds even those dizzying spikes in the late 1980s and early 1990s when the Toronto condo market went completely haywire. Now all we need for this condo market to remain “well-behaved,” despite soaring starts and unsold inventories, is for a lot of buyers with a lot of money to emerge very quickly from China or wherever and “absorb” these units and all the units still coming on the market. Or else, this is going to turn into one epic condo glut.