Once again the U.S. economy is tanking and everyone is talking QE 3. Sorry folks, it ain't coming. If the Fed cranks up the printing press, Obama loses any hope of re-election. If the ECB cranks up the printing press, Germany walks. End of story. [Let me explain.] Words: 386
Read More »The Euro System is Doomed and the End Will Look Like This
In every economic crisis there comes a moment of clarity. In Europe soon, millions of people will wake up to realize that the euro-as-we-know-it is gone. Economic chaos awaits them. [Let us explain why that is the case and how it will come about.] Words: 680
Read More »Embry: U.S. Fed Managing the Markets In Anticipation of QE3 Launch?
"The US Fed would love to have the dollar firm when they announce QE3 because it is going to get clobbered on that announcement. Similarly, I think they want the gold price as low as possible when that announcement is made because it will be taking off to the upside when QE3 is announced. The stock market will also be taking off to the upside from lower levels when the announcement is made. So, I think they could be grooming (managing) the markets as we speak, positioning them for the optimal point of the launch of QE3."
Read More »Something Very Scary Could Be Just Months Away! Got Gold?
I think it’s important that everybody has a reasonable allocation of gold in their portfolio because...we could be just a few months away from something that is really very scary, and if that happens, gold will go a lot higher.
Read More »Here's the "No BS" Situation with Europe – and Its BAD!
The media is rife with misrepresentations and analysis of the EU. Here's the real deal, no BS situation with Europe - and its BAD! Words: 900
Read More »Crude Oil: Which Countries Consume It Most Efficiently? (+2K Views)
One of the most fundamental relationships of the modern economy is the tie between the amount of energy a country consumes and their GDP and is an excellent way to predict a country's economic productivity. [This article analysis the daily number of barrels of oil consumed for 20 countries relative to their PPP adjusted GDP. Germany has the largest residual of all developed countries followed closely by the U.K. while the U.S. has the poorest and Canada is not far behind. Read on to determine just how efficient your country actually is in its crude oil utilization.] Words: 470
Read More »Why & How the Euro Came About and What the Future Holds
Introduction: "The crisis in the eurozone is the result of France’s persistent pursuit of the “European project,” the goal of political unification that began after World War II [with the hope] that a political union, a United States of Europe similar to America's, would...prevent the types of conflict that had caused three major European wars...[and] also make Europe a power comparable to the United States, and thereby give France, with its sophisticated foreign service, an important role in European and world affairs." [What went wrong and what does the future hold?]
Read More »Simone Foxman: "The Eurozone Crisis For Dummies"
Worries about an economic catastrophe in Europe are heating up again, and dramatic forecasts about doom are popping up everywhere. What's important? How did we get here? Let's put this all in perspective. Words: 2356
Read More »No Fiscal Changes Coming Soon – or Ever – to U.S.! Here's Why
The ending in the U.S. will be similar to that in Greece. It is assured for the same reasons. The Democrats will lose the 2012 election...and the Republicans will control government for the next two years. Whatever enthusiasm initially exists will dissipate as soon as the polls show how unpopular austerity is. If they try to cut spending, they will suffer the same fate as the European Austerians. [Let me explain.] Words: 1116
Read More »What Would the Consequences Be If Greece Exited the Eurozone?
Given what is going on in the Eurozone - particularly with reference to Greece and Spain - but also with reference to France, Italy, Portugal, and the Netherlands, things seem to be increasingly spinning out of control. Should Greece exit the Eurozone there will most certainly be contagion issues arising which will be important to you whether you invest in the financial markets or not. Let's take a look at them. Words: 502
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