Saturday , 8 February 2025

Economic Overviews

Jim Rogers: Situation to Worsen in U.S. and Lead to Social Unrest

You think the problems are bad now? You wait until we don't have any more credit. You wait until the currency is collapsing. You wait until interest rates are going through the roof and inflation is going through the roof. It's not going to be a pretty picture. There will be social unrest. [See below for the link to the interview.] Words: 477

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Americans! Where's the Outrage Regarding Your Financial Situation?

Most Americans don't understand what is happening because neither the mainstream media nor our politicians are telling them the truth. We are being told that we just need to accept our lower standard of living and most Americans seem willing to accept that reality because they keep sending most of the exact same bozos back to Washington D.C....Why are the majority of Americans not screaming to their political "representatives" that they are as mad as hell and not willing to take it any more? Words: 1270

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Are We On the Verge of a Second Recession? (+2K Views)

Is a second recession in so short of a time in the offing? It certainly seems that way. The hope for a continued recovery has grown dim lately as many of the economic indexes are moving towards contractionary territory... There are several concerns pressing the U.S. economy and, in the words of David Rosenberg, chief economist at Gluskin Sheff, "one small shock" could send us into a second recession. [We, for our part, believe that even] another round of Quantitative Easing by the Fed...may not be enough to offset the real problems facing the U.S. economy. [Let's take a closer look.] Words: 1295

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Economic Contraction Has Caused Vehicle Traffic to Decline – Guess How Much?

The Depart of Transportation's Federal Highway Commission has released the latest report on Traffic Volume Trends data through May. The lead observation is that travel on all roads and streets declined by -1.9% (-5.0 billion vehicle miles) for May 2011 as compared with May 2010. [Let's take a look at some graphs to illustrate the trend going back to 1971.] Words: 370

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Why It’s Exit Time – For Your Gold, Your Wealth and Your Family

The United States and most of Europe...risk an eruption and collapse of the mountain of unsustainable sovereign debt built up over the last two decades. Frankly, the U.S. dollar and national debt situation is so dire - and our means to contain a sovereign debt crisis so limited by multiple wars and Washington's debt and political incompetence at home - that anything could happen, almost overnight. [The best] America and most European governments and the central banking elites, which created the criminal sovereign debt fiasco, [appear able to do is] try to buy more time and delay the inevitable. This inaction means the threat of an immediate US debt and dollar collapse cannot be ruled out. Therefore, readers who have not protected themselves certainly have cause to worry because now could be too late. [Let me explain further.] Words: 1689

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Why We Need a "Good" Depression Now – Not a "Great" Depression Later!

Do not raise the debt-ceiling. You heard me: block the debt ceiling vote. Don’t raise it. America’s out-of-control, a debt addict. It is time to detox - to deal with the collateral damage [now] before it’s too late. We need to fix America’s looming credit default, failing economy and our screwed-up banking system now - with a Good Depression. If we just kick the can down the road one more time, we’ll be trapped into repeating our 1930’s tragedy - a second Great Depression. [Let me explain.] Words: 1422

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Unprecedented Financial Storm of Unknown Scope is Engulfing Us

If you thought the global financial crisis of 2008 was difficult, wait till the sequel comes to your doorstep...An unprecedented financial storm of unknown scope and dimension is upon us...there is a civilization-scale catastrophe taking place and there will be little or no recovery from it for as far as the eye can see into the future. Words: 1450

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Coming "New World Order" Revolution Will Be Dramatic (and Ugly)

SocGen has published a fantastic, must read, big picture report which compares the world in the 1980/1985-2000/2005 time period and juxtaposes it to what the author, Veronique Riches-Flores, predicts will happen over... the period from 2005/2010 to 2025/2030. She sees dramatic changes but, unfortunately, they will not be pretty. Let's take a look at what the report has to say about the future. Words: 3025

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