Tuesday , 3 December 2024


Bull Run In Silver Could Take It Above $160/ozt – Here’s Why (+6K Views)

The silver market is only 1/10th the size of the gold market so it’s prone to crisis-driven upside explosions as money floods into it during periods of high inflation and, today, the stage is set for an explosion in inflation. I expect it to kick off a crisis-driven mania into silver like what happened in 1980 and, adjusted for today’s prices, that means silver soaring above $160 a [troy] ounce.

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Gold & Silver vs. Fiat: Do You Live In An Imaginary World Or In Reality? (+4K Views)

Make no mistake about it, it is the central bankers that are leading governments around by the nose, and by proxy, governments leading people around by the nose, and that “nose” is inhaling “lines” of fiat. Unless cured, all addictions end badly, and the only “cure” central bankers have for ever-increasing fiat is, ever-increasing it more. [You can protect yourself, however, by] demanding less of the valueless fiat and keeping, and growing, your wealth by buying and accumulating real value: physical gold and silver. Anything less, and you are still dealing in the imaginary world that is failing. [This article explains why that is the case.] Words: 834

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