Saturday , 8 February 2025

Check This Information Out Before Investing in Any Senior Mining Companies


If you are interested in comparing the stats and ratings of companies operating in each of the commodity sectors you will find this analysis of great benefit in determining which company or companies to invest in. Words: 575

The following information is presented by William Matlack of as posted* on a twice monthly basis on the web site.

The information is posted here by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) and (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) to make you aware of its existence. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Senior Producers, Larger-Cap Near-Term Production

Note: Currency shown is that used by the company for financial reporting. Currency does not always reflect the country/market in which the company/stock symbol trades. GAAP may differ between stocks due to countries and markets.The tables are compiled from the Thomson One Analytics database of consensus Ratings & Estimates of equity analysts. The historicals and estimates of earnings and cash flows exclude non-operating, special items.

Thomson Consensus Rating System: Buy (1.0), Buy/Hold (2.0), Hold (3.0), Sell/Hold (4.0), Sell (5.0)

Source: Thomson One Analytics.

Base Metals & Diversified

Note: Currency shown is that used by the company for financial reporting. Currency does not always reflect the country/market in which the company/stock symbol trades. GAAP may differ between stocks due to countries and markets.The tables are compiled from the Thomson One Analytics database of consensus Ratings & Estimates of equity analysts. The historicals and estimates of earnings and cash flows exclude non-operating, special items.

Thomson Consensus Rating System: Buy (1.0), Buy/Hold (2.0), Hold (3.0), Sell/Hold (4.0), Sell (5.0)

Source: Thomson One Analytics


Note: Currency shown is that used by the company for financial reporting. Currency does not always reflect the country/market in which the company/stock symbol trades. GAAP may differ between stocks due to countries and markets. The tables are compiled from the Thomson One Analytics database of consensus Ratings & Estimates of equity analysts. The historicals and historicals and estimates of earnings and cash flows exclude non-operating, special items.

Thomson One Analytics Rating System: Buy (1.0), Buy/Hold (2.0), Hold (3.0), Sell/Hold (4.0), Sell (5.0)

Source: Thomson One Analytics.


Note: Currency shown is that used by the company for financial reporting. Currency does not always reflect the country/market in which the company/stock symbol trades. GAAP may differ between stocks due to countries and markets. The tables are compiled from the Thomson One Analytics database of consensus Ratings & Estimates of equity analysts. The historicals and historicals and estimates of earnings and cash flows exclude non-operating, special items.

Thomson One Analytics Rating System: Buy (1.0), Buy/Hold (2.0), Hold (3.0), Sell/Hold (4.0), Sell (5.0)

Source: Thomson One Analytics.


Note: Currency shown is that used by the company for financial reporting. Currency does not always reflect the country/market in which the company/stock symbol trades. GAAP may differ between stocks due to countries and markets. The tables are compiled from the Thomson One Analytics database of consensus Ratings & Estimates of equity analysts. The historicals and historicals and estimates of earnings and cash flows exclude non-operating, special items.

Thomson One Analytics Rating System: Buy (1.0), Buy/Hold (2.0), Hold (3.0), Sell/Hold (4.0), Sell (5.0)

Source: Thomson One Analytics.

Recent and Forecast Commodity Prices

Base metal prices are LME cash prices quoted in US$ per lb. Precious metal prices are London spot prices quoted in US$ per oz.

Sources: Thomson One Analytics, LME, Kitco

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* (Bill Matlack is associated with Scarsdale Equities LLC, a registered broker/dealer and member FINRA, SIPC.)

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