Thursday , 6 February 2025

Coming Move In Gold Will See It Reach $3,200 by Late 2014 or Early 2015 (+2K Views)

The breakdown after the QE4  announcement, and now the extreme move into a yearly cycle low has, I  daresay, convinced everyone that the gold bull is over. I would argue that it is impossible for the gold bull to be over as long as central  banks around the world continue to debase their currencies [and that] gold is just creating the conditions – a T-1 pattern – necessary for its next leg up to what I expect to be…around $3200 sometime in late 2014 or early 2015. [Let me explain.] Words: 560; Charts: 3

So writes Toby Connor ( in edited excerpts from his original article* entitled Major Top in Stocks & Major Bottom in Gold.

This article is presented compliments of (Your Key to Making Money!) and may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Connor goes on to write in further edited excerpts:

I am confident the latest counterfeiting operation by the Fed will push stocks up to at least test their 2007 highs, and expect we will see a marginal break above that level sometime this year – probably by the end of the month.  My current guess is that we will get a “sell the news” type of event as  soon as the sequestration can is kicked down the road and that will mark the top of this particular intermediate cycle. Make no mistake, though, we are still in a secular bear market. Stocks are testing their all-time highs at the  same time earnings are in decline, GDP has turned negative, and unemployment is starting to tick up.

Inflationary Surge Coming in Price of Gold

The stock market topping process will… be very extended and difficult…[and during the] process I expect  to see an inflationary surge very similar to what happened in the oil markets during the 2007 top…This time, however, I don’t think it’s going to be oil leading the inflationary charge. In order to generate that kind of move we need something that has formed a long consolidation, similar to what happened in oil, and preferably an asset that has declined long enough and far enough to push sentiment to negative extremes capable of convincing everyone that the bull market is over. Those are the conditions necessary in order to generate a massive  parabolic move over the next two years [and] the only asset that qualifies is, in my opinion, the precious metals markets.

What a T-1 Pattern Means for Gold

A T-1 pattern, similar to what  happened in oil during ’07-’08, is now unfolding in the gold market. The rules of a T-1 pattern state that:

  • a move followed by a sideways range often precedes another move of almost equal extent in the same direction as the original move.
  • Generally, when the second move from the sideways range has run its course, a counter move approaching the sideways range may be expected.


I think the gold chart is setting up to produce a monstrous T-1 pattern with a target around $3200 sometime in late 2014 or early 2015. Investors just need to get through the bottoming process of this yearly cycle low. Considering that gold is now on the 15th week of its intermediate cycle, which usually lasts about 18-25 weeks We should be getting close. The last intermediate cycle ran a bit long at 25 weeks. Long cycles are  usually followed by a short cycle so I would expect this cycle to run a bit short at 16-18 weeks.




All in all, I expect a final bottom sometime in the next 5-10 days and once that bottom has formed gold should be ready to break out of the  consolidation zone it has been in over the last year and a half and get  busy delivering the second leg of that T-1 pattern.

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.


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9. Finally the Final Bottom in Gold Stocks Is Coming – Finally!


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16. These Charts Provide Detailed Insights Into Gold & Silver Price Activity

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17. Goldrunner: These Fundamental Charts Say “Gold Is Getting Ready to Run!”


The U.S. Dollar is being very aggressively devalued in a parabolic…[manner] as we enter the final stage in the paper currency cycle. The government needs Gold to go vastly higher so the budget can be balanced after all of the paper promise debts are added to the balance sheet. Interestingly, Michael Belkin, arguably one of the best analysts in the world, expects earnings for companies to plunge this year causing the DJIA to crater about 30%.  This fits with the kind of correction in the now high flying DJIA that we have discussed per the late 70’s charts where Gold and the Dow would meet between 10,000 and 12.000. Words: 1022

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21. Past Bubble Movements Suggests a Parabolic Peak Price of $9,000 for Gold & $250 for Silver Is NOT Unreasonable – Take a Look

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22. Alf Field: Once $1,800 Is Taken Out Gold Will See a Vigorous Climb to $4,500 Area

There is a high probability that the correction in the gold price that started in early October at $1797 has been completed. Once $1800 is taken out on the upside the gold chart will look tremendous. A beautiful “cup and handle” base would then provide strong support for a vigorous upward climb in the precious metal. At this stage there is no reason to abandon the rough target of $4500 for this coming upward wave. [Below is my analysis and some charts on the situation.] Words: 434; Charts: 2

23. What Do the Similarities & Differences Between the 1980 Top in Gold & the Current Situation Mean for Its Future?

The fact that nobody really knows with absolute certainty where gold will really go from today onward makes people try to make their own guesses about what can happen with the yellow metal. One of the methods to do that is to look back into past situations and try to estimate if what is happening now is somehow similar to those past events. The situation in the gold market today is different than the one in 1980 in a few important areas. Even if past patterns don’t give you any certainty, though, sometimes they can limit the uncertainty. Let us analyze that in more detail. Words: 1260; Charts: 2

24. Goldrunner: Gold’s Extremely Bullish Backdrop Setting Stage for Run to $2,050, Then $2,400, Then $4,500 and Ultimately $10,000-12,000!

Our subscription service provides detailed technical analysis of where the price of gold, silver and precious metal stocks are going short term (in the next week or two), intermediate term (within the next 3-6 months) and long term (the ultimate top) in each stage of their respective bull runs. This service comes with detailed charting based on conventional technical analysis and our proprietary fractal analysis based on the ’70s. Below are some of our latest comments and rationale for expected price movements in gold without illustative charts which are only available to subscribers. Words: 1000

25. Gold & Silver Are Nowhere Close to Bubble Territory – Here Are 5 Reason Why

While the debate rages on about whether or not gold/silver are in some kind of investment bubble, the facts completely obliterate any possible argument supporting the “bubble” thesis. [Here they are.] Words: 585

26. Gold Projected to Reach $4,000/ozt. Sometime Between Late 2015 & Mid 2017! Here’s My Rationale

I am not predicting a future price of gold or the date that gold will trade at $4,000, but I am making a projection based on rational analysis that indicates a likely time period for gold to trade at $4,000 per troy ounce. Yes, $4,000 gold is completely plausible if you assume the following:

27. Gold Should Be At $4,666 These Days – Here’s Why

Since the Financial Crisis erupted in 2007, the US Federal Reserve has engaged in dozens of interventions/ bailouts to try and prop up the financial system…and the amount of money printed is absolutely staggering. As a result of this, inflation hedges, particularly Gold, have been soaring…[but] for gold, for example, to hit a new all time high adjusted for inflation, it would have to clear at least $2,193 per ounce. If you go by 1970 dollars (when gold started its last bull market) it would have to hit $4,666 per ounce. Words: 581

28. New Analysis Suggests a Parabolic Rise in Price of Gold to $4,380/ozt.

According to my 2000 calculations, if interest rates and inflation stay constant over the next 2 years, we could expect to see (with 95.2% certainty) a parabolic peak price for gold of $4,380 per troy ounce by then! Let me explain what assumptions I made and the methods I undertook to arrive at that number and you can decide just how realistic it is. Words: 740

29. Egon von Greyerz: Gold & Silver Off to the Races – to $4,500+ & $100+ Each – Here’s Why

The closing of the gold window back in August 1971 has led governments worldwide to create endless amounts of worthless paper money and the resulting credit bubble has created a world debt exposure of over US$ 1 quadrillion (including derivatives). It has also created perceived wealth for big parts of the world’s population – a wealth which is only backed by promises to pay and by   grossly inflated assets. Few people realise that this wealth is totally illusory and will implode considerably faster than the time it took to create it.  [Let me explain.] Words: 890

30. Goldrunner: Price Target of $10,000 to $12,000 for Gold Still Holds

My Fractal Gold chart work is a direct comparison of Gold, today, to the late 70’s Gold Parabola.  Thus, “timing” is taken directly from the late 70’s cycle, with price targets created from a combination of the late 70’s Gold price and different technical analysis techniques.  We developed a price target back in 2006/ 2007 for Gold to reach the $10,000 to $12,000 range during this Gold Bull and we still stand by that forecast. Let me explain where we are at this point in time.

31. Nick Barisheff: $10,000 Gold is Coming! Here’s Why

This is not a typical bull market. Gold is not rising in value, but instead, currencies are losing purchasing power against gold and, therefore, gold can rise as high as currencies can fall. Since currencies are falling because of increasing debt, gold can rise as high as government debt can grow. Based on official estimates, America’s debt is projected to reach $23 trillion in 2015 and, if its correlation with the price of gold remains the same, the indicated gold price would be $2,600 per ounce. However, if history is any example, it’s a safe bet that government expenditure estimates will be greatly exceeded, and [this] rising debt will cause the price of gold to rise to $10,000…over the next five years. (Let me explain further.] Words: 1767

32. Gold’s Recent Price Action Suggests Ultimate Top of $5,000/ozt.

The correlation between the gold price from 1968 until 1979 and from early 2000 until today is an amazing 89.65%! More specifically, the correlation from 1975 until April 1979 and from January 2008 until today is an astonishing 97.83% suggesting that gold will reach an ultimate top of $5,000 per troy ounce before the bubble bursts. Words: 330

33. The Future Price of Gold and the 2% Factor

It is my contention that the price of gold rallies whenever the U.S. dollar’s real short-term interest rate is below 2%, falls whenever the real short rate is above 2%, and holds steady at the equilibrium rate of 2%. Furthermore, for every one percentage point real rates differ from 2%, gold moves by eight times that amount per year. So if the real rates are at 1%, gold will move up at an 8% annualized rate. If real rates are at 0%, then gold will move up at a 16% rate (that’s been about the story for the past decade). Conversely, if the real rate jumps to 3%, then gold will drop at an 8% rate. [Let me explain.] Words: 982

34. Gold Will Reach $3,000/$4,000/$5,000 Before This Bull Market Is Over! Here are 12 Factors Why

I believe that the price of gold will… reach… $3,000, $4,000, and even $5,000 [per troy] ounce…during the course of this long-lasting bull market, a bull market that still has years of life left to it…[although] prices will remain extremely volatile – with big swings both up and down along a rising trend…The future price of gold is a function of past and prospective world economic, demographic, and political developments [and in this article] I review some of these developments and trends – so that you can come to your own “golden” conclusions. Words: 3800

35. Bull Markets Always End With a Bang, Not a Whimper, So Gold’s Run Should Have More Legs

[Here is a summary of my]…thoughts on the 2011 gold price peak relative to the last time a long term bull market ended (back in 1980): Long-term bull markets almost always end with a bang, not a whimper, and last year’s price peak was clearly the latter. A 25% rise over a period of about two months last year [does not an] end-of-cycle, blow-off top [make]. No, I think there’s still some room to run for gold if for no other reason than that we haven’t even come close to the “mania” stage that characterizes the end of long-term market moves…[Let me explain further.] Words: 359; Charts: 1

One comment

  1. I LOVE how charts that display the future show straight lines upward.

    When I see those I use my rule of thumb which says to divide the slope by 4 and hope for the best!

    Actually, I believe that what is holding PM down is the realization that the majority of the people using “flat money” don’t seem to care if it is worthless, as long as it continues to “work” allowing them to pay for what they want. When the next big “thing” happens and all of a sudden supplies start running short, then PM will “zoom upward” as those that have will choose to barter what they have in excess for PM instead of flat money, even if new laws are past to prevent such deals: which is why I believe that the Government would like to see everyone use electronic money transactions (aka e-Money) as it totally eliminates the use of barter and PM’s…