Thursday , 6 February 2025

Gold Demand In China & India – What Does the Future Hold?

Lifted by a continued surge in Asian gold sales, consumer demand for gold reached an all-time high in 2013 atgold-mining 3,893 tonnes. Amazingly, 54% of this demand came from two places: India and China. However, it is only recently that the East has dominated global demand for the yellow metal. In this infographic, we look at India and China specifically to see why demand keeps expanding in the East.

So says in its introduction to an infographic* presented below by Goldcorp entitled The Eclipsing Demand of the East ((Part 3 of 5) and is provided here courtesy of – Your Key to Making Money!

Gold2_Part 3_03


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One comment

  1. Gold also makes the best fillings and crowns since it is malleable so unlike epoxies and amalgam it is always reshaping itself to form a better seal to the live tooth.