Thursday , 6 February 2025

Face the Facts USA! 10 More Facts to Help You Make an Informed Decision in November


I posted information from on the state of the American union on for 11 consecutive days earlier this month. Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that Americans make up 55% of the 100,000 or so visits to the site each month, all such articles proved to be of little interest. That is a shame because is making an unbiased effort to present substantiated information which would be invaluable in assisting Americans make an informed decision as to who to vote for in the upcoming Presidential election.

Below are links to Facts 12 through 21 as posted on and to the previous 11 Facts as posted on

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Previous Facts:

From: www,

1. Fact #1: Revenue Does Not Cover Core US Programs

2. Fact #2: The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World

3. Fact #3: Overspending on Education in U.S. Doesn’t Buy Genius

4. Fact #4 from Twice the Time Now Spent in Traffic Congestion vs. 2010

5. Fact #5: 44% of Jobless Are Unemployed Longer Than 6 Months!

6. Fact #6: America – A Super Rich Country With Supersized Hunger Pangs and Supersized Waste

7. Fact #7: U.S. Owes $Trillions to Other Countries – and to Its Citizens!

8. Face the Facts #8: U.S. Military Spends 58% of Total Spent By World’s Top 10 Military Powers

9. FaceTheFactsUSA #9: Think You Know Who Gets Social Security? Think Again – These Facts Will Be A Surprise!

10. Why are Americans IGNORING the Facts? Here’s #10

11. Is America’s “Engine of Growth” Bouncing Back? Here’s Factoid #11


12. Fact #12: Two-Thirds of Americans are Overweight or Obese

13. Fact #13: Medicare Beneficiaries Rising

14. Fact #14: Average American Consumes 100 lbs. of Sugar/Sweeteners Annually

15. Fact #15: Health Care Spending Has Soared & Wages Have Slumped

16. Fact #16: 10% of America’s Bridges Are Structurally Deficient

17. Fact #17: America Has More Professional Tax Preparers Than Law Enforcement Officers and Professional Firefighters Combined

18. Fact #18: Education = Better Pay & Lower Unemployment

19. Fact #19: US Manufacturing Output Up 20% Since 2009 but Manufacturing Jobs are Up Only 4%

20. Fact #20: The U.S. Federal Government Spent $11,194 per Capita in 2010

21. Fact #21: Power Outages Across U.S. Up 67% In Past 3 Years 

One comment

  1. Dear Lorimer ~

    In response to your recent list of “Facts” –

    The “elephant in the room” that people (esp. attorney’s, judges, politicians, CPAs) are unwilling to acknowledge is the fact that there is no statute promulgated by

    Congress creating a duty for anyone earning a living in the Private Sector to file a “1040 Individual Income Tax Return” or to pay a tax on the fruits of his labor.

    In fact, there is a $100,000 cash reward in escrow ready for the first one who can produce any such statute.

    As a matter of fact, when the Private Sector pay check is cashed, if the “compensation” for labor can’t be held in one hand and the “income” in the other –

    there never was any “income”, defined several times by the U.S. Supreme Court as a “profit” or “gain” – “derived” “severed from the property”.

    To learn the facts, here’s a fun and informative eBook by the top minds in this area: 5 attorneys and a former IRS Criminal Investigation Division officer.


    I’d love to hear what you think!

    # thx!