Thursday , 19 September 2024

Here Are Links to 5 of the "Best-of-the-Best" Articles on Gold You Might Have Missed Reading

Have you been too busy to stay informed about the unusual developments in gold this week? Not to worry! Here are 5 of the “best-of-the-best” articles selected from 100s posted on the internet this week. Each article has been edited for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure you a fast and easy read. Enjoy!

By Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) and (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds).

Investing – Gold & Silver

1. Friday Update: Whew! Gold Continues to Bounce Off Its 11-year Channel Support Line


Gold again dropped below its key support line of $1,690 during intraday trading on Friday, December 7th (going as low as $1,684.10 vs. a low of $1,687.10 on Thursday and $1,686.00 on Wednesday) but closed out the day at $1,705.20 ( vs. a $1,700.50 close on Thursday and $1,697.70 Wednesday. At first glance it looks like we may have seen the worst of this correction but only time will tell so we will continue to watch it closely here in the days ahead.

2. Why Is the Price of Gold So Very Weak? Here’s Why


As I see it, worsening financial crises lead initially to lower gold prices which are followed by some form of government intervention to alleviate the crises and that action, in turn, eventually results in renewed appreciation in the price of gold. The basic steps in such a transition are really quite straightforward. (Words: 477; Charts: 2)

3. Sell Some of Your Gold If and When Any 1 of These 10 Events Occur




Most of us will sell our gold sometime between now and never so what events will probably indicate that the time has come to sell at least some of your gold? Words: 910

4. Why Gold Confiscation Will Likely Happen & How to Protect Your’s From Such an Eventuality


There has been a persistent fear among…owners of gold that…their gold will be confiscated by their governments, as was the case in 1933. For very different reasons, we believe that that danger persists and is growing by the day. We feel that because gold is rapidly returning to an active role in the global monetary system…investors should be aware of the conditions in which this would happen. We also indicate what we feel to be a solid solution for protecting yourself against a gold confiscation. (Words: 1581: Charts: 2)

5. Now’s Your Time: Take Advantage of Market Trepidation, Act With Uncommon Confidence & Buy (Some) More Gold!

gold and currencies

At the end of the day the gold price is not a mystery – it’s a proxy for dollar weakness. After spending the previous fall and winter testing new nominal highs above $1,800, future investors may come to view…2012 as the opportunity of the decade. Gold has shown its strength and retreated. While most investors will take that as a signal that the market has topped, some will take advantage of the general trepidation to add to their positions at hundreds of dollars off the highs. Words: 700

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