Saturday , 14 September 2024

Is Gold’s 13 Year Run Almost Over? (+2K Views)

[While] the price of gold has gone up for 12 straight years, and is on pace to make it 13 when this year comes to a close, it seems that despite all of the gold bugs calling for the metal to surge to unbelievable highs, major financial institutions are calling for the gold bubble to finally burst in the coming months. [Let’s examine what they and others have to say.] Words: 450

So says Jared Cummans ( in edited excerpts from his original article* entitled Gold’s 12 Year Run May Finally Be Over.

Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), may have further edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) the article below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

The Anti-Gold Sentiment

Being bearish on gold in the last decade has probably left you with your tail between your legs, as it has been one of the best performing assets out there. Its safe haven appeal and ability to keep pace with inflation has made it a staple product in many portfolios, but some of the biggest names on Wall Street are calling for the metal to finally endure a contraction:

  • Citigroup has called for gold to experience mild gains in 2013 to average about $1,750/oz, but sees it falling in 2014.
  • Goldman Sachs is calling for the average gold price to take a hit in 2014.
  • BNP Paribas recently cut its outlook for gold in the next two years, and similarly agrees that the precious metal will rise in 2013, only to pull back in 2014 as the bubble finally gives way.

Most of the forecasts cite a stronger U.S. economy in the coming years, as we finally work our way out of the 2008 recession. Goldman specifically pointed out that the shale gas revolution will mean that crude oil can no longer hinder global growth and that global economies will be able to move swiftly forward. The IMF predicted the global economy to grow 3.6% in the coming year; a jump from 2012′s 3.3%.

What About Inflation?

The above forecasts all seem to call for a similar move in gold, citing global growth and a higher risk appetite in the investing world but what about the prospect of inflation?

With money printing and stimulus packages in place in a number of different countries, it seems likely that inflation will have to pick up at some point in the near future, and some argue that it already has. Even if the global economy finds its footing, rising inflation has the potential to put gold back on the bull path. Then again, a strong economy with curbed inflation will almost certainly put pressure on gold prices.

The only question left is which phenomenon will be more prominent: inflation or global economic growth.

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5. Goldrunner: Gold’s Extremely Bullish Backdrop Setting Stage for Run to $2,050, Then $2,400, Then $4,500 and Ultimately $10,000-12,000!


Our subscription service provides detailed technical analysis of where the price of gold, silver and precious metal stocks are going short term (in the next week or two), intermediate term (within the next 3-6 months) and long term (the ultimate top) in each stage of their respective bull runs. This service comes with detailed charting based on conventional technical analysis and our proprietary fractal analysis based on the ’70s. Below are some of our latest comments and rationale for expected price movements in gold without illustative charts which are only available to subscribers. Words: 1000

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gold and currencies

What is developing in the markets is not the beginning of  another leg down in gold, but a second chance to get positioned for what should be a  very profitable intermediate degree rally over the next 2-3 months. [Let me explain further with a number of charts to support my position.] Words: 460

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11. Low Real Interest Rates = Continued High Prices for Gold – but For How Long?


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16. The “80-20 Rule” Suggests Gold Will Reach $8,300/ozt in Spring of 2015!


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17. Is Gold About to Go Parabolic to $3,495 in June ’13; $10,899 in Sept. ’14 and Top Out at $32,659 on Jan. 16, 2015?


18. New Analysis Suggests a Parabolic Rise in Price of Gold to $4,380/ozt.


According to my 2000 calculations, if interest rates and inflation stay constant over the next 2 years, we could expect to see (with 95.2% certainty) a parabolic peak price for gold of $4,380 per troy ounce by then! Let me explain what assumptions I made and the methods I undertook to arrive at that number and you can decide just how realistic it is. Words: 740

19. David Nichols: Expect to See $2,750 – $3,000 Gold By June 2013 – Here’s Why


The interim peaks in gold have been spaced 21 months apart over the past 6 years and have seen gains from 80.2% to 97.3%. As such, given the fact that the low of this last correction came in at $1,524 four months ago, we can expect gold to reach a new peak price of $2,750 to $3,000 in 17 months time (i.e. June/July 2013). [Let me explain in more detail.] Words: 976

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Gold has been moving within a mega upchannel since 1970 and still has a ways to go before reaching the top side of this mega uptrend. How high is anyone’s guess but were gold’s price rise to match the 2300% rise realized in the 1970s (and our research suggests we could see the start of the bubble phase by next year) we’d see a $6000 gold price, which would blow the gold price well above the mega upchannel. [Let us explain our conclusions with the use of 2 charts.] Words: 495