Saturday , 14 September 2024

It’s Worth Owning Silver Bullion and/or Equities – Here’s Why

 Is it worth it to hold silver bullion or equities in a portfolio? Yes, and the reasons an investor should consider exposure to silver can be summed up with three key points.

So says an introduction to the following infographic* by brought to you courtesy of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement. See Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE and Part 3 HERE.

Exposure to silver can be summed up with these three key points:

1. Diversification

Silver has little or no correlation with most asset classes such as bonds, stocks, or real estate. This is because silver prices move based on supply and demand, but also because of other factors such as the global economic environment, futures market speculators, currency markets, the level of inflation or deflation, and central bank policy decisions. Even though silver itself is more volatile than many other asset classes, it does help reduce the overall risk of a portfolio by having less correlation to other asset classes. Over the last eight years, silver’s correlation to treasuries and bonds have been basically zero (-0.07 and 0.08 respectively). It has slightly higher correlation with US equities (0.23) and real estate (0.13).

2. Safe Haven

When the times get tough, silver is your friend. Even in the most challenging environments it holds its value or bucks the negative global trends.

How did silver do in the four years surrounding the Financial Crisis? Over a period where US equities, emerging markets, and REITs were down, silver more than doubled in value from 2007-2011.

3. Fundamentals and Value

The fundamental numbers around silver make it quite clear that silver could provide extreme value as an investment. Here are some key numbers:

  • In the earth’s crust, there is 1 gram of silver for every 12.5 tonnes of rock.
  • For centuries since ancient times, the gold-to-silver ratio was 15 to 1. That means 1 oz of gold could buy 15 oz of silver.
  • In the earth’s crust, there is 19x more silver than gold by mass.
  • The “modern” gold-to-silver ratio is closer to 50 to 1.
  • Yet, in mid-2015 the ratio is 75 to 1, which means silver could be very undervalued relative to gold.
  • The silver price, in terms of USD, is also at its lowest point in five years.
  • Silver miners are even cheaper, trading at their lowest valuation in years.


Making the Case for Silver as an Asset


Silver continues to have the same impressive properties, supply and demand fundamentals, and a rich history as money. What has changed is what people are willing to pay for it at a given time and, right now, it seems that silver is being sold for half price.


Related Articles from the munKNEE Vault:

1. Silver: What Makes It So Special?

In today’s infographic, which is Part 3 of the series, (see Part 1 HERE which showed silver’s rich history) & Part 2 HERE which illustrated the supply and geological fundamentals) we cover the demand and uses for the world’s most versatile metal. Learn how much silver is used for industrial purposes, investment, jewelry, and what trends could shape the future.

2. The Silver Series (Part 1): History of Silver As a Currency – and More

Silver has thousands of industrial uses and is considered a store of wealth by investors. The infographic below illustrates silver’s history as a currency in the past and as an essential component in industry and technology today.

3. The Silver Series (Part 2): Supply & Demand

Of the 1040.6 million troy oz of silver produced in 2011, 84% was used in over 10,000 modern industrial applications (16% used as an investment) of which approx. 33% was used in the traditional forms of fabrication such as jewelry, coins, medals, and silverware with the remaining 66% actually being consumed. While the actual amount is unknown, some experts believe as much as 90-95% of all the silver ever mined has been ‘lost’ to landfills.  For this reason, there is likely less silver available above ground than gold (98% of all gold is accounted for today). For more interesting information regarding the supply of, and demand for, silver please refer to the infographic below.

4. The Silver Series: Silver as an Investment (Part 3)

Silver has had double digit gains in 7 of the last 10 years.  In this infographic, we look at the investment properties of silver as well as its chief differences with gold.  Highlights include a study on silver correlation, volatility, performance against the US Dollar and money supply, and  portfolio diversification.

5. Silver Is the Most Dynamic of Precious Metals – Here’s Why

6. Silver: The New Gold? An Infographic

While gold remains a smart move, there’s much to be said for silver. Why? Because, unlike gold, silver has an inherent value that goes well beyond scarcity. Without silver the world as we know it would literally stop. The computer screen on which you are reading these words, has silver in it. The TV you watch, has silver in it…and the list goes on and on.

7. The Gold-Silver Ratio: Here’s What It Indicates Could Happen Soon

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8. Once Silver Finds Bottom It Should Rebound By 350% – Here’s Why

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9. Silver:Gold Ratio Suggests +$200/ozt Silver Quite Plausible! Here’s Why

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10. Gold/Silver Ratio Trend Suggests Gold Transitioning Into New Bull Market – Here’s Why

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