Friday , 7 February 2025

Michael Pento Doubts U.S. Can Inflate Its Way Out of Debt – Here's Why

Michael Pento, president of Pento Portfolio Strategies, and Peter Tchir, founder of TF Market Advisors, talk about Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman’s recommendation that policy makers should consider allowing slightly higher inflation as a way to spur the U.S. economy.

Go here to see the video of this excellent discussion. (7:34 minutes).

Also go here to read a brief article by Pento entitled The Inflation Lovers’ Spat in which he discusses the merits of the two lovers (Krugman and Bernanke) of the notion that inflation can cure everything that ails an economy who recently squared off in a battle over who adores counterfeiting the most.

With the election in France being won by the Socialist Party you might enjoy John Rubino’s take on what the future holds for inflation in his article Krugman Finally Wins the Argument.

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