Monday , 16 September 2024

Noonan: Not Owning Physical Gold & Silver Is A Huge Risk – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

When one utilizes the axiom, “Follow the money,” all roads lead to the RothschildsGold-bars-on-100-and-50-dollar-bill and their formula of gaining control of a nation’s money supply and then making all the rules. While that is the simplified version, it is no less insidiously true.  In the process of gaining control of a nation’s money supply, each country’s gold holdings were ransacked, and in the case of the U.S, the then world’s largest silver holdings were also stolen.

The above introductory comments are edited excerpts from an article* by Michael Noonan ( entitled Gold And Silver – PMs Will Rise With “Dollar” Demise, Just Not Soon.

The following article is presented courtesy of Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!)and (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and has been edited, abridged and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Noonan goes on to say in further edited excerpts:

Follow the money

By following the money in the U.S., one sees the trail of US Treasury Notes that were specie-backed by silver and gold.  The nation prospered, and inflation was a non-issue.  After the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, the privately owned bank, called the Federal Reserve, began circulating Federal Reserve Notes that were also specie-backed, to circulate alongside US -issued Treasury Notes.

This went on for a few decades, until the 1930s, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared a “bank holiday.”  Why?  The U.S. was forced into bankruptcy by the Rothschild elites, and when the banks were closed for a few days, they reopened under direct control of the Federal Reserve central bank.  What was little noticed was that the specie-backing of gold and silver for the Federal Reserve Noted were gradually withdrawn, without any word to the public.  At the same time, specie-backed US Treasury Notes were withdrawn from circulation and destroyed!

The Rothschilds will not accept any competition. 

The US Treasury Notes were allowed to circulate alongside the Federal Reserve Notes so that the public would accept both and see no difference between the two, so that by the time the US Notes were purposefully taken out of circulation, the remaining Federal Reserve Notes, also labeled as and called “dollars” were readily received as the nation’s currency.  The first stage of the world’s largest Ponzi scheme succeeded.  Next was the removal and eventual suppression of the price of gold, an ongoing activity by central banks, with the collusion of the bought-and-paid-for de facto government from that time and up to this day, and for the foreseeable future.

The demise of the petrodollar

Since the United States has been bled dry of all its gold and silver, and the fiat Federal Reserve Note has just about run its course as the world’s reserve “petrodollar” currency, the next grand prize is Russia, the world’s richest natural resource country, by far.  The attack/confrontation on Russia has been going on for decades, also using NATO to encircle that country militarily.  The most recent provocation is Ukraine, in a so far politically botched attempt to weaken Russia and paint Putin as negatively as possible.

Why go after Russia?  Its leadership role in providing liquid natural gas and other energy supplies to Europe has been posing a threat to the supremacy of the fiat Federal Reserve pertrodollar.   China also plays a role, perhaps an even larger one in the “de-dollarization” in world trade that will ultimately plunge the U.S. deep into Third-world living status, and an irreversible change that will shock unprepared US citizens when “dollar” devaluations kick in….

Russia to Europe:  “You want gas?  It will cost you.  Price?  Pay in rubles, yuan, maybe even gold.  You want to pay in “dollars?”  No sale!”

What does all of this have to do with the price of gold? 

The US/UK central banks are still manipulating prices, refusing to allow any consideration for gold being viewed as money alternative, at least in the West.  The BRICS and associate countries ain’t buying what the West is selling, in that regard, but the BRICS are buying gold, as much as they can at these artificially low prices.  Nothing else matters, certainly not any conventional fundamentals.

Once the grip of the fiat “dollar” gives way, and it is slowly losing ground, then the price for gold and silver will find their more natural value – and not until then.  When might that happen? It could be weeks, it could be months, maybe even another year or two, but whenever it happens, it is more likely to be an overnight “adjustment,” with little or no gradual rise, as many may expect.  The price could be $1,300 or $1,800 one day, and the next day it could be $4,500 or $7,500 per troy ounce.  No one knows for certain, but at least you know some of the options.  Plan accordingly.

(For a look at the backed-by-nothing-but-fear-of-consequences-for-not-using-it fiat Federal
Reserve Notes, aka the “dollar,” and the current action/non-action in the price of gold and silver go here to see some interesting charts.)

As the chart on gold shows, it continues to be suppressed. Part of the active suppression are the  controlling of derivatives and the banker positions that offset the huge down days to keep prices low. The collapse of the derivatives may be a function of, or cause of, the “dollar” collapse, and when it happens, it will be the triggering mechanism to catapult gold higher “overnight” – literally.


Not owning physical gold [and silver] is a huge risk.  Retaining whatever physical holdings you already have in your possession will prove to be a financial life-saver.  This is a great level to keep increasing one’s accumulation, with the gold/silver ratio favoring the purchase of silver over gold, for now.  Keep on stacking!

Keep buying whenever and whatever you can, and do not be concerned about the “When?” question.  No one knows when prices will rise. Stay the course.

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions in the above article are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original post. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.


Follow the munKNEE!

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