Tuesday , 14 January 2025

Prepare for Retirement by Owning Some Gold (+2K Views)

Anyone concerned about retirement income should think about the future in terms of purchasing power. If inflation jumps up to 10% (it reached 19% in 1981), money in savings accounts will be devastated. Inflation transfers wealth from retirees to workers. Words: 402

In further edited excerpts from the original article* Michael Myers (www.retirementcrisisinvesting.com) goes on to say:

The longer the Fed keeps interest rates low the more worthless paper money becomes and that creates the impression that gold is more valuable but, in fact, it is that the paper money in which the price of gold is denominated that is becoming less valuable.

In other words, gold is the constant. Its value doesn’t change. Its dollar price changes, but not its value, so when investors come to me and ask me how they can hedge against the falling value of the dollar, I always tell them to buy gold.
