Thursday , 6 February 2025

Robert Prechter: Grams of Gold are the Best Currency But…(+2 K Views)

Have you ever traveled abroad and taken a look at the local currency and wondered how the citizens of that country could take seriously what looks like “Monopoly money?” I’ve got news for you: you’re using the same stuff. Monopoly money is the money over which some government has a monopoly. It is the currency of the realm only because the state makes it illegal to use any other type. Words: 533

Reformatted and edited [..] excerpts from Robert Prechter’s ( original article for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Prechter goes on to say:

Paper Money Is Doomed to Depreciate
Promissory notes issued by a state and declared the only legal tender are always doomed to depreciate to worthlessness because of the natural incentives and forces associated with governments. A state cannot resist a method of confiscating assets, particularly one that is hidden from the view of most voters and subjects.

A State Sponsored Gold Standard is Only a Political Promise – Remember Nixon?
By extension, it is unreasonable to advocate a standard for such notes, which is simply a state’s promise that its currency will always be redeemable in a specific amount of something valuable, such as gold. A gold standard of this type is only as good as the political promises behind it, reducing its value to no more than that of paper.

It could be argued, in fact, that a state-sponsored gold standard is far more dangerous than none at all, as it imbues citizens with a false sense of security. Their long range plans are thus built upon an unreliable promise that the monetary measuring unit will remain stable. Later, when the government’s “IOU-something specific” becomes, as Colonel E.C. Harwood put it, “IOU nothing in particular,” reliability disappears and the arbitrary reigns. Although the populace tends to retain its confidence in the currency for awhile thereafter, the ultimate result is chaos.

Grams of Gold Are the Best Currency
The only sound monetary system is a voluntary one. The free market always chooses the best possible form, or forms, of money. To date, the market’s choice throughout the centuries, wherever a free market for money has existed, has been and remains precious metal. This preference will undoubtedly remain until a better form of money is discovered and chosen. Until then, prices for goods and services should be denominated not in state fictions such as dollars or yen or francs, but in specific weights of today’s preferred monetary metal, i.e., in grams of gold.

Gold is Not Something ‘To Buy and Hold Forever’
That being said, it is also true, and crucial to wise investing, that markets come in both “bull” and “bear” types. Being a “gold bug” at the wrong time can be very costly in currency terms. It is all well and good to despise fiat money, but it is hardly useful to sit in gold and silver as if no other opportunities exist.

In contrast to the one-note approach, which has had an immense opportunity cost since 1980, competent market analysis can help you make many timely and profitable financial decisions in all markets, including gold and silver.


One comment

  1. Robert Prechter would never write this. He thinks this will be a DEFLATIONARY recession… he recommends gold and silver just in case, but ultimately thinks cash will RISE in value… Due to destruction of wealth in the banking sector.

    Don’t know if he’s right I’m more bullish on gold/silver but don’t pull all your eggs on one basket…