Thursday , 6 February 2025

Silver: 14 Specific Peak Price Predictions (+9K Views)

Over the years only 14 pundits have been bold enough to provide a specific date as toforecasting crystal ball when their forecast for the future price of silver would be realized. This article provides that information along with the criteria & rationale for their determinations.

The information below, compiled by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), consists of edited excerpts from a host of articles containing additional and updated forecasts by various pundits.

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Yes, there are a number of other individuals who have taken upon themselves to forecast the future price of gold silver but none to my knowledge have been bold enough to provide a specific date as to when. The forecasts of most of the big banks have been excluded as they are all extremely pessimistic in their efforts to suppress silver’s price and reap financial benefit in doing so.

Read 42 Specific Gold Price Forecasts by Year & Analyst

Should you become aware of someone not on this comprehensive list please forward the URL of the article to my attention at editor(at)munKNEE(dot)com or mention it in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. Thank you.

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To access the original article in which the price/date predictions below were made please do a Google search of the quote provided in italics or click on the hyperlinks.

  1. Jason Hommel: $500 – $5,000; Silver: To over $500/oz. by 2020…and to $5,000 by 2035.
  2. Jeff Nielson: $1,000; I offer 4 key dynamics to make my case that the first digit of the (three-digit) price for silver will be closer to a “9” than a “1” – most likely by 2020, and we cannot discount the possibility of silver rising to the $1,000/0z level.
  3. James Turk and John Rubino: $400;  The price of gold is about to soar to $10-12,000/ozt. – and silver to $500/ozt. [No specific date as to when is provided.] If the gold:silver ratio reverts to the norm of 20:1 as I think it will, silver will reach $400 by 2015.
  4. GE Christenson: $100 – $250; I am making a projection based on rational analysis that indicates a likely time period for silver to trade at $100 per troy ounce by 2015. Past bubbles have had an ending price 4 – 8 times higher than the phase 2 beginning price and, if we assume that phase 1 for silver was a move from $4 to $50 and that represents 19% of the total move, the high for silver could be around $250 by 2017. The ratio of phase 2 ending price to beginning price would be 5:1 – reasonable.
  5. Rob McEwen: $200; Silver is headed to $200 in the next 4 years [1.e. by 2016]
  6. Ian Williams: $165; Silver prices are set to embark on “a sustained bull market” that will see prices rocket…to $165/oz by the end of October 2015.
  7. Ron Rosen: $150; I expect the gold price to hit $4,300 in early 2016 and the silver price at over $148 sometime in early 2016. It’s as clear to me as the sun rising and setting.
  8. Larry Edelson: $125+; Gold will  likely fetch well over $5,000 an ounce a few years from now [i.e. by 2017] and silver better than $125 a troy ounce.
  9. George Maniere: $125; The prices of gold and silver based on the debasement of currencies are in my opinion very cheap. I will go on record right now and say that by 2015 gold will be $5,000 an ounce and silver will be $125 an ounce, and I have had some very smart people tell me that my projections are too low.
  10. Jason Hamlin: $100; We are looking at a minimum price target of $3,600 for gold…[by] around the start of 2017. Silver forecasts a minimum price target of $100 in the same time frame.
  11. Peter Krauth: $95; By the time the next election rolls around in 2016 we could be looking at $3,700 gold and silver may be trading at $95. Frankly, I could see both of these levels easily surpassed.
  12. Juan Eduardo Morales Veas: $90; Gold will drop to $900 in Jan/Feb. 2015 and then go parabolic to $3,500 in Nov./Dec., 2016 or in Jan./Feb. 2017. Silver will drop to $15 in Jan./Feb. 2015 and then rise to $90 approx., in Nov./Dec., 2016 or in Jan./Feb. 2017
  13. Michael Berry: $75; I don’t do point estimates very well, but it’s possible you could see $3,000 gold in the next five years [i.e. 2015] . I think that’s very possible. I also believe it’s possible that you could also see $50 to $75 silver [by 2015].
  14. Dr. Doolittle: $66 – $215; Based on Fed continuing to increase its Monetary Base and Money Supply by a CAGR yield of 16.5% gold will rise to $3,648 per ounce by 2018 (and silver to $66 per ounce based on a CAGR yield of 17.1% or possibly to $215 per ounce should the gold/silver ratio reach 17:1 as it was at its peak in January, 1980).


There you have it. Now you know the best guess of all the analysts who are on record as to how high – and how soon – silver is expected to go before the bubble bursts. Such information should prove invaluable in determining your investment approach, choices and time horizon.

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Again, should you become aware of someone not on this comprehensive list please forward the URL of the article to my attention at editor(at)munKNEE(dot)com or mention it in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. Thank you.

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