Many analysts are projecting that gold will be going at least as high as $3,000/ozt over the next few years. One analyst even claimed that gold will spike at $87,500/ozt.! Below is an updated list of their names and forecasts.
Read More »Gold Will Reach $2,500/ozt In the Near Future – and $10,000 Thereafter (+13K Views)
After two years of declines, many investors sold their gold holdings and vowed never to invest in gold again. However, in the fall of 1976, gold began an ascent that saw it rise 750%, peaking at $850 a troy ounce three years and four months later. After a 3-year correction, the same opportunity to buy low exists today, just as it did in 1976.
Read More »Inflation and the Likelihood Of Seeing $10,000 Gold
The price of gold will never outrun the cumulative effects of inflation. This means that the higher price for gold is offset by the dollar’s actual loss in purchasing power.
Read More »The World Is Not In A Good Way! Own Gold Yet? (+3K Views)
...It’s a confusing world out there. Some say gold is going to $700 (and they might be right, temporarily), and others say gold will shoot to $10,000 (and they might be right, temporarily). I’m in the middle and, when I tell you why, I hope you see the wisdom of why you should join me there, too.
Read More »We Live In An Unreal World That Will Come To A Very Abrupt End (+3K Views)
We live in an unreal world with unreal prices based on unreal (fake) money and this is why it will all come to a very abrupt end. That time could start at any time. Fundamentally it must happen. Here's why.
Read More »These 148 “Analysts” Prove That Gold Price Forecasts Are Just Wishful Thinking
A few years back I published an article that itemized what 148 supposed experts of the day were predicting for the future price of gold and as it turns out none of them – not one – knew what they were talking about. By trying to do so they were all playing a fool’s game, a game reserved for the brave but foolhardy.
Read More »The Road To $10,000 Gold: What Could Unfold Over the Next Few Years
My long standing target for gold of $10,000 in today’s money and much, much higher in inflationary terms, is now more probable than ever but I hope it will never be achieved. When gold goes to $10,000, It will not just reflect inflation and falling currencies like in the 1970s but a much more serious or even catastrophic situation both in the U.S. and globally so let’s look at a potential scenario for the next few years. This is obviously not a forecast but more of a rough sketch of what could happen:
Read More »How Much Gold Should I Hold?
Independent research recommends that an allocation of 10% to gold and 5% to silver should be enough to ensure you will do much better in the coming market crash. Here is the rationale.
Read More »Don’t Miss “the Forest for the Trees” When Contemplating Future Price of Gold
Don't miss the `forest` for the `trees` when looking for a clear trend in gold prices and market activity. Here are some of those `trees` to consider - and which have some analysts predicting gold prices per ounce as high as $10,000 (Jim Rickards) to $12,000 (James Turk).
Read More »Rickards: “$10,000 Number For Gold Well Grounded Analytically”
You can have multiple paths, and timing has to be watched, but the $10,000 number for gold is very well grounded analytically.
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