Our analysis maintains that the burgeoning move in gold may well exceed earlier surges. The circumstances driving gold in the 1970’s were primarily centered on the U.S. but the issues facing us today are global in nature and have embarked gold prices on a journey that could result in $7,500 and even $10,000+ per troy ounce.
Read More »Major Risk of Monetary System Collapse – Got Gold? (+2K Views)
The main reason to buy gold and silver any time is as insurance against extreme negative events. The main reason for buying gold in 2016 remains the risk of an international monetary system collapse. Gold is money in extremis.
Read More »USD Collapse Will See Quantum Jump In Gold & Silver Prices
The following major upcoming events will be exciting to watch unfold, one after the other. The steps will each involve a quantum jump in the Gold & Silver prices. The process will take a few years, but might be breath-taking in speed once the process is begun.
Read More »These Analysts Think Gold Is Going to $4-5,000/ozt. – Even More – By 2020
Here are the predictions of all the pundits on record as to how high and how soon (with rationale as to why) gold is expected to go before the bubble bursts.
Read More »Gold: 42 Specific Peak Price Predictions (+5K Views)
Over the years only 42 pundits have been bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast for the future price of gold (and silver, in some cases) would be realized. This article provides that information along with the criteria & rationale for their determinations.
Read More »Silver:Gold Ratio Suggests +$200/ozt Silver Quite Plausible! Here’s Why (+4K Views)
Given the fact that a) the historical movement of silver is 90 – 98% correlated withgold-silver gold, b) silver is currently greatly undervalued relative to its average long-term historical relationship with gold and c) many analysts predict a parabolic rise in the price of gold over the next 5 years it is realistic to expect that silver will also escalate dramatically in price - but by how much? This article applies the historical silver to gold ratios to come up with a range of prices based on specific price levels for gold being reached.
Read More »Rickards, Roubini, Sinclair et al On the Future Of Gold & Silver (+3K Views)
The internet is awash with analysts who believe that gold is going to $7,250+forecasting crystal ball and as low as $725 and that silver is going down to $12 or higher than $120. Such pundits (Roubini, Sinclair, Rickards, Willie and Edelson to name a few) grab a lot of attention in the media but are their prognostications worth paying attention to or are they just a lot of hot air?
Read More »Only These 42 Analysts Dare Predict When – and At What Price – Gold Will Peak (+3K Views)
There were no shortage of gold price pundits/prognosticators back in 2011 & 2012 claiming that gold would be going to "x" price by "y" date. Below is an updated list of those 42 pundits who were bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast would be realized with their criteria & rationale supported by links to articles in which their determinations were first put forth.
Read More »Noonan: “Distorted Gold & Silver Pricing Will Prevail Until…”
Whether it is $5,000 or $10,000 per troy ounce for gold - or $100 or $200 for silver - the current distorted pricing will prevail until there is a clear break of the elite’s central banking dominance over the gold and silver markets.
Read More »A 5-digit Price for Gold Is Not That Far-fetched – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
When I suggest that the gold price can rise to a level in the 5-digit range, I expect to be ridiculed or to have my forecast overlooked by most market participants. Nevertheless, as we will see in a moment the prospect of 5-digit gold is not so far-fetched.
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