This article relates to a recent dinner I had with an European Central Bank [ECB] "executive" during which it was expressed/revealed (some might say, confirmed) that there is an on-going global conspiracy by Central Bankers to overthrow democracy and take over the world so to speak in what many refer to as a New World Order (NWO). My first reaction was that what he had to say was outlandish but, upon reflection, I think, in spite of the humorous circumstances surrounding the meeting, what he had to say was of considerable merit. Read on and express your own views in the Comment Section at the end of the article.
Read More »Why The Gold Price Remains So Low: An Inside Scoop (+5K Views)
Gold investors are becoming ‘roadkill’ as our current economic structure completes its metamorphosis from a capitalist system within a democratic government into an ‘idiotocracy’.
Read More »Economic “Truth” Is A Hollow Collection Of 5 Letters With No Meaning – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
The inmates have taken over the asylum. Our financiers, economists and bankers have set sail on a course straight into the Bermuda Triangle. That the ship will reach land some day is indisputable. That it will land badly is incontrovertible. The 99%, who seem to have adopted the Ostrich as their ‘National Bird’ would be well advised to ponder these matters to prepare for the consequences of our current economic policies.
Read More »2 Shocking Revelations from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland (+2K Views)
Before you read the following excerpt from the notional ‘conclusions’ of the 2014 WEF – the supposedly profound and brilliant summary of the thoughts of these greatest minds - I suggest you: 1.drink several espressos to help keep you awake as you read and 2.have some of your favorite remedy for an upset stomach to calm your queasy innards after you finish reading the excerpt as its leaders, in fact, have not a clue as to how to guide us through the morass that is the global economy will leave you quite dizzy.
Read More »New Central Bank ‘Market Assistance Directive’ (MAD) Is Pure Madness – Absolutely Unbelievable!
Central banks are now privy to not only the emails and phone calls of all the world’s politicians, business leaders, journalists, accountants and lawyers but to the innermost thoughts of every citizen who uses an electronic device for communication. With this information we can use our resources to control the global markets.
Read More »Gustavo Laframboise-Pierre Reveals More MADness About Central Banks (+2K Views)
Thanks to the data gathering of the NSA and its subsidiary spy agencies around the world, the Central Banks will now be privy to the most confidential conversations and communications from the boardroom, the bedroom and the trading floor. Central Banks will now be able to trade with inside information that could only be dreamed about in years gone by.
Read More »Does Behavior of “We the People” Suggest Central Bankers Have Gone Too Far? (+2K Views)
Central bankers have concluded that the scale of monetary easing they have taken over the past few years should be magnified - that more easing is required to get things rolling - but could it be that central planning has gone too far or, at least, reached its boundaries? Disposable income in real terms per person and savings rate of individuals could be reliable indicators that such is the case. Let me explain.
Read More »Here's Proof: Global Central Bankers are Driving Up the Price of Gold!
Check out this chart (via Ed Yardeni) that shows the price of gold relative to U.S. Treasury and U.S. agency securities held by the Federal Reserve and other central banks - a VERY interesting correlation to say the least. Words: 260
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