We are now at the mercy of oil and the commodity markets. Bernanke's plan to print our way to prosperity is destined to fail. Ultimately, he is just going to spike inflation and collapse the global economy, resulting in a worse downturn than what we saw in 2008/09. Let me explain. Words: 510
Read More »The "Ins" and "Outs" of Investing in Commodities
Commodities have obvious appeal to active investors looking to generate profits from short-term price movements [but while] the volatility of this asset class is ideal for risk-tolerant individuals who actively monitor their positions...commodities may also have appeal to the long-term, buy-and-hold crowd...These potentially appealing attributes come with plenty of risk, [however, as] the path to commodity exposure is full of potential obstacles and pitfalls that can erode returns and lead to a less-than-optimal investing experience. Here are ten rules of thumb that will help you achieve a more successful experience investing in commodity markets. Words: 2871
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