Many articles are being written these days that more or less scope the dire financial circumstances the U.S. is in. That being said, I had not been able to find one "analyst" - even one - who had the guts to outline the probable outcome and general hopelessness of the situation and to offer any meaningful prescription for investors to survive this coming catastrophe - until now. Words: 710
Read More »Signs of Economic Collapse In U.S. Becoming A Reality (+8K Views)
A look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight.
Read More »A Look At What Has Happened to China’s Yuan
Even the slightest movement made by China can create a ripple effect on fragile global markets. On August 11 China devalued its currency by 1.9% and has made some smaller changes since then. Today’s infographic looks at the reaction in currency markets in three time frames after the event: 24 hours, one week, and one month after.
Read More »Canada Has Devalued Its Dollar (Loonie) Again – Why? (+2K Views)
The Bank of Canada has cut its overnight rate for the second time in the last six months - to 0.5% - and the Canadian dollar has reacted as expected, [indeed, as intended,] putting the Canadian dollar at a six-year low in terms of dollars (-10.2%) and pound sterling (-10.4%). So why the rate cuts and competitive devaluation?
Read More »Gold Should Bounce Sharply Higher – Here Are 10 Reasons Why (+4K Views)
Is it time to throw in the towel? Is the bull market in precious metals really over? I don't think so because my analyses suggest that nearly all of the fundamental factors that have been driving the gold price higher in the past decade have only strengthened in the past two years. Now that the correction has most likely run its course, I expect gold to bounce sharply higher. Here are 10 reasons why.
Read More »Argentina In Advanced Stage of Yet Another Financial Panic/Meltdown (2K Views)
With international reserves in virtual free-fall, the black market peso rate plunging, and no sign for months that President Kirchner has any appreciation at all of the gravity of the situation, the country is in the advanced stages of another financial panic/meltdown. This will end badly, another chapter in the long history of Argentine financial crises extending back almost 100 years.
Read More »Goldrunner Dissects Realities of Gold Market Unlike Any Other (+2K Views)
This article identifies and analyzes the realities that have been, and are, affecting the gold market unlike any other article you have ever read on the subject. Get truly informed to better understand what has happened and why and what the future holds for the price of gold and why. Read on and enjoy.
Read More »What Does the Future Hold for Gold? 3 Determinants
The best way to think of gold is as a non-yielding currency with a special trait: The only way to "print" it is to pull it out of the earth at great cost. As a currency with no yield and limited practical's investment case largely rests on its ability to insure against currency depreciation. Few people expect to make money by taking out insurance policies. I don't recommend allocating any more than 10% of a portfolio to gold. Words: 610
Read More »Coming Soon: Further Devaluation by Deception
The euphoria, New Year’s Eve at the Big Casino, continues but the price will be high when it all ends and it will end because it is not this or that asset class that is in a bubble but the entire world that is a giant soap bubble that will float until the heat of the sun pops the thing in one ugly mess. I fear that subprime loans, fantasies, and the S&L crisis will pale when we are done with this party because, my friends, the bill for the festivities must get paid.
Read More »Monty Pelerin Cuts Through All The Economic Noise To Tell It Like It Really Is! (+2K Views)
I read many hundreds of articles every week looking for writers who have an in-depth understanding of our economy and who are not reticent to tell it like it is. Monty Pelerin (a pseudonym) does just that week after week, year after year. This post includes introductory paragraphs and links to 25 of his most enlightening and current articles. Take a look. There are bound to be several that will grab your interest.
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