The question of how much gold or silver one should hold is a common one. The answer is usually expressed in terms of portfolio percentages, as in 10 – 20% of one’s investments. Such an answer is without basis. Why is 15%, for example, any better than 100% or 0%?
Read More »U.S. Economy Depends on Who Wins This Battle
Politicians foolishly believe they can bend the laws of nature. They are fools for trying. Sadly, the pain and suffering that will be incurred will be borne by the millions of citizens dependent on markets and the economy. The economy cannot recover without a complete cleansing of the excesses that have built up over the last half century plus. [This article spells out why that is the case.] Words: 710
Read More »Richard Russell: The Last Currency Standing Will Be Gold
Inflation is the central banks' method of avoiding the pain of austerity. Inflation is the current economic narcotic that is used by modern nations. It's the old ‘beggar thy neighbor’ system, and it will ultimately result either in all out hyperinflation and a collapse of the fiat currency system or a corrective deflationary crash. Either way, the last currency standing will be gold.
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