A BIS study warns that budgets of most advanced economies, excluding interest payments, "would need 20 consecutive years of surpluses exceeding 2 per cent of gross domestic product – starting now – just to bring the debt-to-GDP ratio back to its pre-crisis level".
Read More »Debt Clocks Tell the Story: Vicious Upward Debt Spiral Gaining Momentum – Take a Look (+5K Views)
A vicious upward debt spiral is gaining momentum. The budgets of most advanced economies, excluding interest payments, need 20 consecutive years of surpluses exceeding 2% of gross domestic product – starting now – just to bring the debt-to-GDP ratio back to its pre-crisis level.
Read More »Unsustainable Debt-to-GDP Ratio Will Result in (Hyper)inflation (+4K Views)
Central banking makes it possible for the government to expand the money supply by any amount, at any time deemed necessary and once (hyper)inflation is publicly seen as being the lesser evil of all options available for the government meeting its debt service, it cannot be dismissed out of hand that (hyper)inflation would be the consequence of an unsustainable debt-to-GDP ratio.
Read More »Attention America! Your Surging Debt Will Eventually Suffocate You (+4K Views)
The history of financial crises and the relationship between growth and public liabilities shows that burdens above 90% are associated with 1% lower median growth - and the United States’ debt level is currently hovering around 90% on a gross basis and 60% netting out assets.
Read More »Which Countries Have the Most Debt? Here’s a Ranking (+3K Views)
Even if all federal tax revenue was applied to pay down U.S. sovereign debt, it would take 10 years (not including any interest) to do so! This infographic shows how other countries like Canada, UK, Australia and Germany, among others, rank in comparison.es like Canada, UK, Australia and Germany, among others, rank in comparison.
Read More »If You Are Not Preparing For a U.S. Debt Collapse, NOW Is the Time to Do So! Here’s Why (9K Views)
Timing the U.S. debt implosion in advance is virtually impossible. Thus far, we've managed to [avoid such an event], however, this will not always be the case. If the U.S. does not deal with its debt problems now, we're guaranteed to go the way of the PIIGS, along with an episode of hyperinflation. That is THE issue for the U.S., as this situation would affect every man woman and child living in this country. [Let me explain further.] Words: 495
Read More »We Desperately Need Higher Inflation – Here’s Why and 3 Ways It Could Easily Be Accomplished
This article analyzes 3 new ways to get inflation on a national and global scale that have not been tried yet but you can see them coming a mile away if you understand elite jargon and the elite message system.
Read More »These 23 Countries (+ Greece) Are Also Facing a Full-blown Debt Crisis
An unprecedented global debt bomb threatens to explode at any moment. 24 nations are currently facing a full-blown debt crisis, and there are 14 more that are rapidly heading toward one. The only “solution” under our current system is to kick the can down the road for as long as we can until this colossal debt pyramid finally collapses in upon itself and when it does it will be unlike anything that we have ever seen before.
Read More »We Will Experience the Anguish of Severe Inflation In the Coming Years – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The Fed's buying of U.S. Treasuries by creating currency (paper money) out of thin air is inflationary (either now or long term) and those that do not accept this premise are, with all due respect, daft, and is sure to result in a momentous growth in the value of hard assets such as gold and silver. Here's why.
Read More »Gold Should Bounce Sharply Higher – Here Are 10 Reasons Why (+4K Views)
Is it time to throw in the towel? Is the bull market in precious metals really over? I don't think so because my analyses suggest that nearly all of the fundamental factors that have been driving the gold price higher in the past decade have only strengthened in the past two years. Now that the correction has most likely run its course, I expect gold to bounce sharply higher. Here are 10 reasons why.
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