Even if the economy improves (it won’t in any real sense), the changes coming to this country border on the unimaginable for both the enlightened and unenlightened. Economic events similar to what occurred during the Great Depression are not far from happening. Some outcomes will be worse than what occurred 80 years ago. [Let me explain.] Words: 563
Read More »Sovereign Debt Defaults = Social Unrest + Much Higher Gold and Silver Prices
The magnitude of current private and government debt, coupled with massive unfunded contingent liabilities for promises of future services to their citizens, will prove to be impossible for many nations to fund. Massive inflation in the money supply will become the preferred vehicle to deflect the default monster and will result in vastly devalued currencies and price inflation as a prelude to default. Such action will be a desperate attempt to buy time to stave off the inevitable and will result in social unrest caused by persons whose comfortable lifestyle and elevated standard of living is about to disintegrate before their very eyes. Words: 1525
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