Friday , 4 October 2024

Tag Archives: diamonds

Gold Measurements: What Do the Terms “Karat” & “Troy” Ounce Actually Mean? (+62K Views)

You have no doubt read countless articles on the price of gold costing "x dollars per ounce", own a gold ring or some other piece of gold jewellery and/or wear or have bought/plan to buy a diamond ring but do you really understand exactly what you are buying? What's the difference between 1 troy ounce of gold and 1 (regular) ounce? What's the difference between 18 and 10 karat gold? What's the difference between a .75 and a 1.0 carat diamond? Let me explain. Words: 1102

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Where Do Diamonds Come From? (+4K Views)

Demand for diamond jewelry sales has tripled in the past 25 years yet most people don't know much about where diamonds come from. This infographic will change all that. Take a look and get informed in a matter of minutes.

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The World Of Colored Diamonds

Since 400 A.D., diamonds have been sought after for their beauty, their strength and their versatility...[but] it wasn't until 1953 that the four Cs of diamonds - cut, clarity, color and carat - were established by which are judged today. This article, with an accompanying infographic, looks at what each of these four Cs mean and how this knowledge can benefit you as a consumer.

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China & India to Drive Diamond Demand this Decade to New Heights – Here's Why

China and India are about to drive diamond demand through newly affluent population. In the world diamond retail market, Asia in 2005 made up 23% of purchases. In 2020, they will make up 57%! Such growth in diamond demand should make for a sparkling future for those who invest prudently. In the infographic and copy below you will learn all about diamonds.

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