Dividends aren't just for Warren Buffett and retirees. Dividends have the power to support your goals of becoming independently wealthy. Here are 3 reasons why.
Read More »7 Things to Consider Before Buying Dividend Stocks (+2K Views)
The basic principle behind dividend paying stocks is that they pay YOU to own THEM but do they outperform non-dividend paying stocks over time and what should you consider when buying a dividend stock? Words: 514
Read More »Americans: Here’s Help On How To Position Your Portfolio For Tax-Efficient Investing
As the income tax filing deadline f[or U.S. citizens] looms this month, many of us already have an idea of how painful April 15 will (or will not) be. If Uncle Sam took a big bite, it may be worth reviewing for next year’s tax season to see whether you’re doing everything you can to retain the most of your investment income. If you haven’t filed, however, there is still time to open or contribute to an IRA account that may help shrink your taxable income. This article presents 4 questions whose answers could] help position your portfolio for tax-efficient investing and do consider exhausting the limits on the strategies outlined below.
Read More »Dividend Paying Stocks Have 2 Major Advantages – Here They Are
An attractive aspect of owning dividend paying stocks, specifically, dividend growth equities, is the fact they tend to hold up better in down market environments. The favorable result from this characteristic is it takes a smaller upside return to make up the losses incurred in a market decline. Here are the details.
Read More »Where Should You Put Your Money? Why? (+2K Views)
The question comes up again and again and again; where do you put your money? Well, there is a way to invest that makes sense, that's easy to implement, and that has a high chance of succeeding in meeting your long-term goals at the end of the road. Let me explain.
Read More »Dividend Paying Stocks Are NOT a Safe Substitute for Bonds – Here’s Why
Dividend Paying Stocks are Not a Safe Substitute for Bonds! Ever! DIVIDEND PAYING STOCKS ARE NOT A SAFE SUBSTITUTE FOR BONDS! EVER! EVER! Did I write that big enough? Maybe not. Let’s try again: DIVIDEND PAYING STOCKS ARE NOT A SAFE SUBSTITUTE FOR BONDS! EVER! EVER! Here's why.
Read More »You, Too, Can Achieve a 100% Return on Your Investments – Here’s How (+2K Views)
When I first considered a high-yield investing strategy, my goal was to devise a portfolio that yielded between 6% and 8% annually. To be sure, that's a worthy starting point. Years from now, however, I expect to own a portfolio that yields 25%, 50% and even 100% on the cost basis of many of the investments in that portfolio. [You, too, can achieve the same return on investment for your portfolio. Here's how.] Words: 636
Read More »4 Tips to Survive the Coming Economic Crises
The politicians in Washington tell us the economy is recovering. Well, maybe so ... as long as you don't need a job. The problems facing this country — in debt, energy, lost jobs, unbalanced budgets and more — continue to mount. In short, I think we're headed for a head-on collision with hard times. Are you going to be ready? Words: 1386
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