Thursday , 6 February 2025

Tag Archives: dollar collapse

Here’s What’s Coming! Warning: Reader Discretion Is Advised! (+8K Views)

Warning: Reader discretion is advised! You are about to read a fictional account of what we could be faced with in the coming years - perhaps as early as 2024 - based on events that are already taking place in America today. It is most alarming but, unfortunately, after everything I’ve seen during my time inside Wall Street, inside the CIA and inside the halls of the Pentagon, that’s the path America’s heading down.

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Singapore – China Agreement Yet Another Sign of Ongoing Decline In U.S. Dollar (3K Views)

Finance executives in Asia see the writing on the wall. They can see that the dollar is in a period of terminal decline, and that the Chinese renminbi is going to take tremendous market share away from the dollar - and they want a big piece of the action. To that end representatives of the Hong Kong Exchange and the Singapore Exchange, THE two dominant financial centers in Asia, have signed an agreement to combine their forces in rolling out more financial products denominated in Chinese renminbi. This has massive consequences for the global financial system - and the future of the U.S. dollar.

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The Demise of OUR Country is on Borrowed Time – Unless YOU Help Save It! Here's How

The demise of America is on borrowed time - and the end game could be dire - unless YOU do something about it. Congress is a tool of special interests - not OURS! As such, WE, as citizens, must become proactive if we are to protect OUR financial future by solving the Washington debt and tyranny problems and preventing foreign nations and/or creditors from forcing OUR country into bankruptcy and collapse! [What can YOU do to help? Read on!] Words: 2971

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