Saturday , 8 February 2025

Tag Archives: Dow

Will It Be Different This Time? Will the Dow and S&P 500 Go Up, UP and Awaaay? (+2K Views)

Since the late 1800's, the Dow has experienced three periods where it traded sideways, ranging from 13 to 17 years, [which always] resulted in upside breakouts . The S&P 500 finds itself within a few percentage points of where it was 13 years ago [so the question is "Has the time now come for the Dow and S&P 500 to once again go Up, UP and Awaaay?" Let's take a look at some charts.] Words: 299; Charts: 2

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5 Reasons To Be Positive On Equities

For the month of January, U.S. stocks experienced the best month in more than two decades [and the Dow hit 14,009 on Feb. 1st for the first time since 2007]. Per the Stock Traders’ Almanac market indicator, the “January Barometer,” the performance of the S&P 500 Index in the first month of the year dictates where stock prices will head for the year. Let’s hope so.... [This article identifies f more solid reasons why equities should do well in 2013.] Words: 453

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A Peek at Possible Developments in Gold, Silver, Mining Shares & the Dow

There are countless articles available for free suggesting what to expect short- and long-term in the markets but what are those analysts who charge a fee for their insights and recommendations saying these days? Same old, same old or unique and actionable? One such subscription market timing service has pulled back the veil to give us a peek at what could well be unfolding. Words: 906; Charts: 8 links

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Prepare to Be Nickled & Dimed to Death in the Stock Market Until 2015! Here's Why

The Dow Jones Industrial Average composite (DJIA) hitting a five year high early last month does not bode well for the bulls. Frankly, I am predicting that the recent five year high...(October 5th) will prove to be the cyclical high in an ongoing secular bear market that has not yet hit its bear market low for this secular bear and will not get to an all-time new high until 2015 at the earliest. Prepare to be nickled and dimed in the meantime! Words: 995

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Richard Russell: There's Something Eerie About What's Happening So I'm In Cash! Here's Why

So far, the decline in the market has been fairly orderly; no panic, no hysteria to get out - even the VIX has remained calm [but] I wonder how much longer the decline will continue to be orderly. Frankly, there's something eerie about what's happening and, to be honest, what's happening is almost beyond analysis. I have nothing to compare it with....I really have to go on my intuition and instinct at this point - and my instinct is to get in cash.

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Marc Faber: We Could Have a Crash Like in 1987! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Marc Faber has stated in an interview* on Bloomberg Television that “I think the market will have difficulties to move up strongly unless we have a massive QE3 (something Faber thinks would "definitely occur" if the S&P 500 dropped another 100 to 150 points. If it bounces back to 1,400, he said, the Fed will probably wait to see how the economy develops)..... If the market makes a new high, it will be with very few stocks pushing up and the majority of stocks having already rolled over....If it moves and makes a high above 1,422, the second half of the year could witness a crash, like in 1987.” Words: 708

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