Many people have unwittingly bought into a highly addictive, sensationally-driven religion of doom-and-gloom where every day is a bad day, every war is a possible prelude to World War III, every market correction is a prelude to another financial crisis, every poor economic statistic is proof of a coming collapse. In theory, the above could all be true, and that's why framing any event in such a fashion is so tantalizing. Welcome to the doom-and-gloom "financial-tainment" industry!
Read More »Economic Collapse Is a Distinct Possibility – Are You Prepared Even A Little Bit? (+2K Views)
Do you share concerns about the world today, and the path we are headed on? Do you believe a total economic collapse is a real risk? Many would say it’s a concern but doubt it’s actually going to happen. It’s always been okay, so it probably always will be, is certainly the view that most of us hold. The thing is, though, that it hasn’t always been ok and it could easily happen again. Are you prepared for such an eventuality?
Read More »They’re Everywhere! They’re Everywhere! A Recap of the World’s Current Crises, Crashes & Catastrophes and Coming Collapse & Chaos (+2K Views)
So much has been written about what various authors refer to as the economic (in alphabetical order) abyss, apocalypse, Armageddon, avalanche, catastrophe, chaos, cliff, collapse, crisis, disaster, downturn, endgame, meltdown, pain, reality, risks, situation, train wreck, tsunami, turmoil that faces the nations of the world I thought a source article of what has been said about the situation would be of interest. Have a look.
Read More »Monty Pelerin Cuts Through All The Economic Noise To Tell It Like It Really Is! (+2K Views)
I read many hundreds of articles every week looking for writers who have an in-depth understanding of our economy and who are not reticent to tell it like it is. Monty Pelerin (a pseudonym) does just that week after week, year after year. This post includes introductory paragraphs and links to 25 of his most enlightening and current articles. Take a look. There are bound to be several that will grab your interest.
Read More »Will This Be The USA in 2012?
The economic condition of the country continues to decline toward its rendezvous with an, as yet, unknowable catastrophe. Here is... a look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight. Words: 1550
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