Friday , 4 October 2024

Tag Archives: economic growth

GDP Growth Looks Understated Which Suggests That…

This week’s US gross domestic product (GDP) data paints a less gloomy first-quarter decline than first published and a bright picture for the second quarter [which,] as impressive as the rebound looks on the surface, we think is actually understated. Here's why.

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Talk of Jobs Coming Back Courtesy of the Fed is Ridiculous! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Despite the preponderance of evidence that money printing doesn’t create jobs, Bernanke and his Central Bank colleagues continue to perpetuate the myth that the recovery is just around the corner, as long as we continue to print money. It’s complete and utter insanity as all it will accomplish is bankrupting the U.S. resulting in higher costs of living - and lower quality of life - for all of us. [Let me explain why I believe that is the case.]

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Will We See Real Economic Growth or a Real Decline in World Stock Markets? That is the Trillion Dollar Question

Without economic growth, and real economic growth at that, there can be no meaningful long-term economic recovery in the developed countries. Growth or lack thereof will have to be reflected in the financial markets over time. Currently, I continue to see a disconnect between where the financial markets are pricing things, and where I think they ought to be pricing things. Words: 784

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Dr. Faber and I Concur: There Are Major Reasons to be Very Cautious in 2013 – Here’s What To Do (+2K Views)

Dr. Marc Faber, the author and publisher of the "Gloom Boom And Doom" report is one of the most well-read economists out there. I am of the opinion that his suggestions and investment advice are more realistic than any other economist or analyst we hear and read regularly. The summary of Dr. Faber's latest monthly report suggests that he views 2013 as a year of capital preservation. In other words, Dr. Faber is not very bullish on risky asset classes for 2013. This article discusses Dr. Faber's views and the reasons to remain cautious in 2013. Words: 1494; Charts: 3; Tables: 1

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Is Gold’s 13 Year Run Almost Over? (+2K Views)

[While] the price of gold has gone up for 12 straight years, and is on pace to make it 13 when this year comes to a close, it seems that despite all of the gold bugs calling for the metal to surge to unbelievable highs, major financial institutions are calling for the gold bubble to finally burst in the coming months. [Let's examine what they and others have to say.] Words: 450

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Fiscal Cliff: 1 Step Backward – Then 2 Steps Forward (2K Views)

...Fiscal policy, both in the U.S. and in Europe, has already been a drag on economic growth, and it’s extremely likely to continue to be one as politicians begin addressing concerns about long-term debt burdens. The debate about the fiscal cliff deal might revolve around the preferred paths to reducing the nation's long-term debt, but it also will determine just how much fiscal policy will limit growth over the coming months and years. What’s really at stake, in the near term at least, is the answer to two important and interrelated questions: How dysfunctional is our political leadership and how bad is our economy going to be next year? Words: 610

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