No matter how boring it sounds, all investors must make it a point to track economic indicators to understand the direction in which the nation is headed...[and, in the process,] sharpen [their] investment decisions. Here are the key indicators that you should be tracking:
Read More »If China won’t eat at KFC – or at Pizza Hut – the world has a problem! Here’s why
KFC and Pizza Hut may not be standard economic indicators, but they're flashing a warning sign about the state of the Chinese economy right now and, if China won't eat at KFC, or at Pizza Hut, the world has a problem! Let me explain.
Read More »Be Smart: Consider These Economic Indicators When Investing
Before placing trades, it’s good practice to review market-moving indicators such as jobless claims, housing starts and sales, consumer confidence, and inflation as they can help you make smarter investments and grow your wealth. Here's a look at each of the above mentioned indicators that you may want to become familiar with.
Read More »A Look at Copper, Commodity Trends, Economic Indicators & the S&P 500 (+3K Views)
Changes in economic indicators, copper and other commodity prices and stock market trends are covered in this month's market intelligence infographic.
Read More »Market Signals, Commodity Trends, Economic Indicators & Related News (+3K Views)
This infographic highlight changes in economic indicators, reports relevant news stories, reveals commodity and financial trends, provides technical analysis and looks at the recent price of gold and real interest rates with relevant charts.
Read More »The Most Over- and Under-rated Economic Indicators – Agree or Disagree?
Pundits and prognosticators like to throw around a lot of numbers when trying to predict where the economy is headed. The most popular economic indicators, however, aren't nevessarily the best. Russ Koesterich explains why the figures you hear most often are over-rated and identifies which indicators should be used instead.
Read More »Latest Freight Shipment Indices Indicate NO Global Recession is Imminent! (+2K Views)
Economic inflection points are seldom obvious but if we take the time to analyze all the data, there are at least five indicators that suggest another U.S. recession is not imminent. [Take a look.] Words: 920
Read More »Take a Look: Economic Stagnation is EVERYWHERE! (+3K Views)
The economic news is not very encouraging these days. Everywhere I've looked, and I've looked at 10 different indicators (surveys, polls and indexes), things appear to be either down or stagnant. Let me be more explicit. Words: 1058
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