Saturday , 8 February 2025

Tag Archives: Federal Reserve

‘Money, Money, it’s a Rich Man’s World’ – An Amusing Look At Central Bankers (+3K Views)

Dear reader, I was afforded a most extraordinary experience recently that has given me unique insight into our global financial and political systems. I intend to share my experience with you. However, I caution you, that the information I gleaned from this experience will be disturbing. What you are about to read will forever change your view of banking, politics, economics and money. Read on, if you dare.

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No Fewer Than FIVE Ominous, Vicious Cycles Await Us (+2K Views)

Neither the White House nor the CBO have adequately considered the real impact of the very deficits they themselves are projecting. While they admit the deficits will be off the charts they fail to connect the dots from that admission to its obvious natural consequences — no fewer than FIVE ominous, vicious cycles.

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Coming Currency Debasement Good for Gold (+2K Views)

When I look strictly at what’s actually going on in the world, I have to think that gold will go to at least $2,000 in this cycle and there are very credible scenarios in which it could go to a multiple of that number. Why am I so bullish for the yellow metal? Let me tell you why. Words: 469

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How to Protect Your Portfolio From Inflation (+2K Views)

Inflation lurks in the shadows. It destroys value by gradually eroding real returns over time. It is financial death by a thousand cuts. Investors too often look at "the numbers" in their portfolio without asking what those numbers can actually buy over time. It's a classic mistake that John Maynard Keynes termed "money illusion."

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If Trump Truly Wants To Fix the Economy He Should Shut Down the Federal Reserve – Here’s Why

An unelected, unaccountable group of central bankers has far more power over our economy than anyone else does but, with the election of Donald Trump as President, we now have an opportunity to get free from this insidious system because, if he truly wants to fix the economy then shutting down the Federal Reserve would be the thing to do. It would take someone very bold to make such a move so it begs the question, "Is he up to the task?"

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Central Bank Bubble Will Burst and Result In A Recession & Bear Market

The unwinding of the "Central Bank Bubble" will be worse than either the Dot.Com Bubble or the Housing Bubble. It seems like most investors continue to show apathy even with the warnings by us and quite a few others of the "unintended consequences" of the central banks doing things that have never been done before. Those investors are in good company because it appears to us that the leaders of the major central banks of the world do not have any idea of the "unintended consequences" either.

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We’re On the Cusp Of Inflation Beginning

Gluskin Sheff Chief Economist David Rosenberg is bucking the bearish trend on Wall Street and running with the bulls instead, touting positive jobs and wages data as a sign that inflation—the current gold standard for economic recovery—may be right around the corner...

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Noonan: The U.S. Dollar’s Demise Was Orchestrated By the Fed – Here’s How

Ever since 1933 the Federal Reserve, implementing the proven Rothschild formula, has been slowly orchestrating the demise of the U.S. dollar from a gold and silver backed currency into, in reality, a worthless piece of paper today and also now controls the price of gold and silver. Let me explain how this all came about - how Americans were duped - and what this really means.

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