As we tip-toe near the edge of the third central bank generated financial bust of this century, there is absolutely no way of stopping the crash landing just ahead. Why? Because the central banks are so caught up in their own self-justifying group think that they are utterly incapable of seeing the massive financial derangement all about them - a casino that is blindly impelled to churn the secondary capital markets and inflate the price of existing assets to higher and higher levels until they ultimately roll-over under their own weight. Let me explain.
Read More »The IMF & BIS Have Issued 16 Warnings Of An Impending Financial & Social Crash – Are you listening? (+5K Views)
For several years, and in particular the last 12 months, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) have been issuing warning after warning - as outlined below - that the biggest financial and social crash in history is coming. Are you listening? The warnings are all well thought out with cogent logic and are not to be ignored!
Read More »RED ALERT! A Major Financial Collapse Is Coming By End of Year
Based on information that I have received, things that I have been told, and thousands of hours of research that have gone into the publication of more than 1,300 articles about our ongoing economic collapse, I have come to the conclusion that a major financial collapse is imminent. Therefore, I am issuing a RED ALERT for the last six months of 2015. HERE's why.
Read More »History Says “Expect An Economic Crash AGAIN In 2015” – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Large numbers of people believe that an economic crash is coming next year based on a 7-year cycle of economic crashes that goes all the way back to the Great Depression. Such a premise is very controversial - some of you will love it, and some of you will think that it is utter rubbish - so I just present the bare bone facts below for you decide for yourself if it is something to seriously consider protecting yourself from in 2015.
Read More »This Weekend’s Financial Entertainment: “A Stock Market Crash IS Coming!” (+2K Views)
Our financial system is in far worse shape than it was just prior to the financial crash of 2008. The truth is that we are right on schedule for the next great financial crash. You can choose to ignore the warnings if you would like but, ultimately, time will reveal who was right and who was wrong and, unfortunately, I think I will be proven to have been right.
Read More »10 Ominous Warnings Of What Will Happen IF There Is An Extended U.S. Debt Default
If the debt ceiling deadline (approximately October 17th) passes without an agreement that would be extremely dangerous - and if the U.S. government is eventually forced to start delaying interest payments on U.S. debt (which could potentially happen as soon as November), that would be absolutely catastrophic.
Read More »Take Note: Don’t Say You Weren’t Forewarned! (+3K Views)
It is relatively easy to predict further commodity price inflation as a result of the massive money printing going on worldwide and that hard assets, not paper assets, will help protect purchasing power but it is much more difficult to project where else this money printing leads and to what extent a crash is inevitable. What is the endgame? Will it be another financial crash such as in 2008 or will it be a more destructive financial and economic crash that causes a severe but temporary disruption in the delivery of goods and services? Words: 1470
Read More »Is the Financial World On the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown? These Signs Suggest So
Will global financial markets reach a breaking point during the month of October? Right now there are all kinds of signs that the financial world is about to experience a nervous breakdown. Massive amounts of investor money is being pulled out of the stock market and mammoth bets are being made against the S&P 500 in October. The European debt crisis continues to grow even worse and weird financial moves are being made all over the globe. Does all of this unusual activity indicate that something big is about to happen? Let's hope not - but historically, the biggest stock market crashes have tended to happen in the fall. So are we on the verge of a "Black October"? Words: 1200
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