I am increasingly confident that the consequences of fragile sovereign debt, precious metals market manipulation, insufficient physical supply, and the need for a safe haven investment refuge, will contribute to rampant price inflation and drive precious metals bullion and mining stock to a parabolic peak price of $10,000 sometime in 2012 or 2013 at the latest. You may think my …
Read More »WikiLeaks Cable Confirms: U.S. & Europe Trying to Suppress Price of Gold (+2K Views)
WikiLeaks' release of a U.S. State Department internal embassy cable on the subject of Beijing’s plan for undermining the U.S. dollar's reserve status through the gold market clearly exposes both the clandestine operations at the Fed/Treasury as well as reveals who’s been sleeping with the enemy. [Here are the details.] Words: 539
Read More »Eric Sprott: Financial Train Wreck Coming Soon! Got Gold? Better Yet, Got Silver? (+2K Views)
We have a financial system that's on the edge of a cliff here. People have to be in precious metals if they want to protect themselves. Everyone who's an investor has money. They have it invested in some paper instrument and when they realise they have a problem with their money in a bank or owning some government note the demand for gold could just be overwhelming! It could be parabolic all of a sudden. Currently, only o.75% of the world's financial assets are in gold so just imagine what a 5% to 10% interest in gold would mean for its price. On top of that, I believe that silver will get back into a 16:1 ratio to gold in three to five years for sure so that means that silver is going to have a great upside potential. Got gold? Better yet, got silver? Words: 5169
Read More »Is $53,000 Gold in Our Future? Time Will Tell
The world is in an absolute mess, economically, financially, politically and morally... and this has been evident for at least 10-15 years. The only thing that is not clear is how long governments and central banks can deceive the people by kicking the can down the road in an endless creation of worthless pieces of paper that they call money...The world is now staring into the abyss and we are most likely entering the Dark Years which I wrote about two years ago. The consequences will almost certainly be unlimited money printing and a hyperinflationary depression [which will result in dramatic increases in the price of gold. Let me explain.] Words: 2004 2064
Read More »Gold Going to Parabolic Top of $10,000 by 2012 – For Good Reasons (+7K Views)
No wishful thinking here! As I see it gold is going to a parabolic top of $10,000 by 2012 for very good reasons - sovereign debt defaults, bankruptcies of “too big to fail” banks and other financial entities, currency inflation and devaluations - which will all contribute to rampant price inflation. Words: 1111
Read More »Turk: Will Gold Cartel Succeed in Destroying Free Market System in America? (+2K Views)
As I see it there are only two outcomes. Either the gold cartel will fail or the U.S. government will have destroyed what remains of the free market in America. I hope it is the former, but the flow of events from Washington and the actions of policymakers suggest it could be the latter. Words: 1654
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