This week the important and concerned persons of the world, under the auspices of the UN, will converge on Paris to demonstrate their desire and commitment, on our behalf, to save the planet from the ravages of abuse by us humans. Here's what George Carlin had to say about "saving the planet" in an hilarious video.
Read More »Global Warming: The ‘Anthropocentric’ Crisis (Part 4: Conclusion) (3K Views)
The global climate warming fuss is not principally an environmental issue but, rather, it is a manufactured crisis supported by copious amounts of manipulated science, reinforced by opinion leaders and promulgated by the cheerleading of the mass media. Global warming has become the mother of all politically correct issues. Words: 1551
Read More »Why Should WE Make Sacrifices to Offset Global Warming? (Part 3) (+2K Views)
There is no more time remaining to examine or discuss any nagging questions or doubts concerning the merits of anthropogenic induced climate change. We must reduce our collective carbon footprints now. Electricity sourced from coal must be replaced by anything that doesn’t spew CO2, except, of course, nuclear power. Our next car must be a state of the art plug-in electric version, or at least a hybrid. But isn’t the single largest source of electricity the burning of coal? Hmm, how does buying and driving an electric car help? Regardless, we must get with the! No more questions please! Words: 1346
Read More »U.S. and Canada Are Global Warming Scapegoats (+2K Views)
Global warming is not a crisis created by man wantonly burning fossil fuels to the detriment of nature. Rather, global warming is a methodically fabricated issue cleverly designed and exploited by proponents of global governance under the tutelage of the United Nations. Words: 1839
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