The market has not changed materially over the past many weeks/months and, as long as the market has not changed, expectations that the price of gold and silver should not change, either. Expectations are future hopes/plans that may or may not ever be realized. Present market conditions are the reality of what is, without getting into the mental gymnastics about the degree of reality reflected in the charts. Market activity trumps everything, and one works with that reality or risks substantial loss by favoring opinion/hopes/expectations. Below is what the charts are saying today.
Read More »Noonan: Comments On Developing Market Activity For Gold & Silver (+2K Views)
Ignore those pundits who are saying PMs are ready to take off. If you apply a little bit of common sense, and you look at these charts, can you draw any other conclusion(s)? Always remember: the markets never lie and here is what they are saying.
Read More »Noonan on Gold & Silver: “A RED Flag Is In Effect” – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
People are focusing on the price of PMs, treating gold and silver as vehicles for increasing in price relative to their cost of purchase and not on the reality of what the artificially suppressed market is showing. It is the reason for buying and holding gold and silver that matters. Know this: It does not matter what you pay/paid for owning physical gold and silver. Price is temporary; physical is permanent. That being said, however, a red flag is in currently in effect regarding gold & silver. Below I explain why.
Read More »Noonan: Trade Gold With An Edge – Here’s How (+2K Views)
Charts capture the essence of timing so lacking in fundamentals providing information on how, (long or short), and when to enter, and at what price. Charts allow you to actually see how the markets are developing into trading opportunities, as well as when to avoid committing money. Below are analyses of gold and GDX (as a proxy for the relatively large cap gold producing stocks), in chart form, that may help you better understand what trades you should, and should not, take.
Read More »Noonan: Charts Suggest Potential Support for Gold Down at $1,040 to $1,100 (+3K Views)
If you want to make rabbit stew, first, you have to catch the rabbit so hopefully, first, we'll see some concrete signs that a bottom is in before the regurgitation of “Gold is going to $10,000!” starts showing up in a host of new articles pandering for attention. The best way is to decide for let us go to the most reliable source, the market, and see what the prices of gold and silver have to say about what everyone else has been saying about them. People have been known to exaggerate, even lie in their “opinions,” but the market never does either.
Read More »Gold & Silver: Its What the Charts Say, Not Fundamentals Or Opinion, and the Charts Say… (+2K Views)
All fundamentals and opinions are useless in the markets because they pertain to timing, and timing plays a huge role when investing/trading....[and only] put one’s belief system into a context with regard to the market[s]....It does not matter what others say about the market; what matters is what the market says about others. The market is, and always will be, the final arbiter of all “facts” and “opinions.” [This article give an update on exactly what the charts are currently saying about gold and silver.]
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