Saturday , 8 February 2025

Tag Archives: gold stocks

3 Reasons Gold Might Rally, and Might Not, & What to Do Right Now

The price action in gold and gold miners over the past six months has many investors turning their back on the precious metal. Gold fell below $1,600 last week to reach a six month low, prompting many to step back and wonder aloud if the precious metal's decade long bull market has officially come to an end. With the price of gold now back to where it was in July of 2011, it's time to decipher whether this is a buying opportunity, or time to head for the exits.

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With Gold Stocks Suffering So Badly Should You Sell Out or Buy In? (+2K Views)

Gold stocks are down between 20% and 30% over the past year yet, in that same timeframe, the price of the gold has risen. As a result, sentiment toward gold stocks is pitiful. Even diehard gold bugs are tired of losing money in gold stocks and have been dumping their shares in disgust. This article discusses 4 main reasons I can think of why gold stocks might be so cheap. Words: 444

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Finally the Final Bottom in Gold Stocks Is Coming – Finally!

The mining stocks have been a disaster if you’ve invested in the average fund, GDX or GDXJ and if you’ve invested in the wrong stocks, they’ve been a total disaster and you will now hate the sector forever. We’ve certainly been surprised by this protracted struggle. In my articles you’ve heard me talk about accumulating on weakness, buying support, being patient and waiting for better opportunities. Folks, this next week is one of those opportunities. The gold stocks are setting up similarly to the bottom in 2005 [and, as such,] are set to test a major bottom and could be on the cusp of a major reversal. Let me explain. Words: 438; Charts: 3

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Gold Bulls Shouldn’t Buy Gold Stocks!

With the Bank of Japan's latest move to fight deflation and seemingly to start another round of global competitive currency devaluation, it...makes sense to hold some gold in a portfolio. However, I remain of the opinion that it makes no sense for gold bulls to hold gold stocks over bullion. [This article explains why that is the case.] Words: 281

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Keep the Faith – This Bull Market in Gold STILL Promises to Be One for the History Books! Here’s Why

Seeing the S&P 500 outperform gold and seeing gold stocks get decimated...has been enough to create suicidal the precious metals (PM) sector...but, as the many calls for an end of the PM bull market...[are expressed,] the risk in the PM sector gets lower and lower. The bigger picture hasn't changed and isn't going to for some time [so] keep the faith and hold onto your PM sector items tight. Don't let the short and intermediate-term noise distract you from what STILL promises to be a secular bull market for the history books. The Dow to Gold ratio will hit 2 and might even go below 1 this cycle. [Let me explain.] Words: 873

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Get Positioned Now – Gold Stocks Are About to Bottom

Forecasts are only a guide or a potential road-map as no one can predict the future but we can assess risk, reward and probabilities. [Given that,] we think that the current probabilities favor a secondary bottom in gold stocks and that, very soon, the risk/reward dynamic will be heavily in favor of longs. [I explain and illustrate my conclusions below.] Words: 484; Charts: 2; Tables: 1

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