A vicious upward debt spiral is gaining momentum. The budgets of most advanced economies, excluding interest payments, need 20 consecutive years of surpluses exceeding 2% of gross domestic product – starting now – just to bring the debt-to-GDP ratio back to its pre-crisis level.
Read More »Massive Debt = Dollar Collapse = High Inflation = Likely Depression (+4K Views)
The value of a currency is determined by a number of variables. In this article, I will focus on the dynamics of demand, supply, current account deficits, and aggregate government debt.
Read More »Political “Blame Game” Will Adversely Affect Your Portfolio – Here’s Why & How
The S&P 500 continues to hit new all time highs, but is your portfolio built on a house of cards? The politics to kick the proverbial can down the road may unleash dynamics that could be hazardous to your wealth. Here's why and how to protect your portfolio.
Read More »"Liquidity Trap" is Fast Approaching
When velocity is low the nation essentially winds up in a "liquidity trap" which is a situation where monetary policy is unable to stimulate the economy either through lowering interest rates or increasing the money supply. This was the condition that Japan found itself enveloped in from 1989 to present. We expect the same problem in this country and hope (really hope) to be wrong. Words: 672
Read More »Telling it Like It Is: Monetary Policy, the Federal Reserve, and the National Debt Problem
The budgetary and fiscal crisis right now has made many political issues far clearer in people's minds. The debt dilemma is a challenge and an opportunity to set America on a freer and potentially more prosperous track, if the reality of the situation is looked at foursquare in the eye. Otherwise, dangerous, destabilizing, and damaging monetary and fiscal times may be ahead. [Here is how I see the situation and how I would propose solving the inherent problems.] Words: 3518
Read More »Consequences of Country's Debt Complacency Could be Catastrophic
Our leaders will eventually face an Armageddon unlike any since the Civil War unless they must either muster the courage — and the support of the people — to accept the pain and make the sacrifices of a lifetime … or face the downfall of America. Words: 1086
Read More »Here’s the Best Way to Protect Against Inflation AND Deflation (+2K Views)
There are very compelling arguments for both inflation and deflation. The answer will eventually depend on decisions made in Washington and how people react to those decisions. For now, let’s stop fooling ourselves and admit that we don’t know. It is a problem that has to be dealt with and there is no easy medicine. Either path will be painful, but that’s what we get for our two and a half decade debt binge. Words: 1142
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