There is a difference between inflation and hyperinflation and there is no gradual path from one to the other. To wind up with true hyperinflation, some very bad things have to happen. The government has to completely lose control the populace has to completely lose faith in the system or both at the same time. Are we there yet? Let's take a look.
Read More »History Says: “Rising Interest Rates Might Trigger A Depression!”
The Fed’s current raising of interest rates could trigger a credit collapse, ushering in deflation and a New Great Depression.
Read More »Take Note: Economic Events Similar to Those of Great Depression Approaching! (+7K Views)
Even if the economy improves (it won’t in any real sense), the changes coming to this country border on the unimaginable for both the enlightened and unenlightened. Economic events similar to what occurred during the Great Depression are not far from happening. Some outcomes will be worse than what occurred 80 years ago. [Let me explain.] Words: 563
Read More »How to Protect Your Portfolio From Inflation (+2K Views)
Inflation lurks in the shadows. It destroys value by gradually eroding real returns over time. It is financial death by a thousand cuts. Investors too often look at "the numbers" in their portfolio without asking what those numbers can actually buy over time. It's a classic mistake that John Maynard Keynes termed "money illusion."
Read More »The Best Advice You Will EVER Receive On “How to Invest In These Dangerous Times”
Those that read this site regularly know my pessimism regarding the future. People frequently ask: “What do I do to protect myself and my family?” or “What should I invest in?” While this discussion will not provide you with specific answers, it should provide a framework that may be useful.
Read More »The Great Depression: What Caused It & What Can Be Learned From It?
Below are 6 specific reasons that contributed to the Great Depression and the stock market crash of 1929-1932. Are there any lessons to be learned from those events? Read on!
Read More »James Dines: America is Racing Towards a Coming Great Depression (+2K Views)
America is racing toward a brick wall, while its credit card is maxed out. America’s so-called recovery, from the 2008 crash, has been called ‘The Great Recession’ by apologists [but] we have continued to predict that it’s the ‘Coming Great Depression.’
Read More »Any Way You Look At It Very High Inflation Is Inevitable – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
How this economic disaster ends is something about which many of us speculate. Two extreme endings are likely — a sudden deflationary collapse or a period of very high inflation/hyperinflation which ultimately cripples commerce and resolves itself in a deflationary collapse. In either case, the deflationary collapse is another Great Depression. It is important to know which route will occur because of what will happen to asset values along the way. Words: 1057
Read More »We're at the "Beginning of the End" for the Markets – Here's Why
We are now at the mercy of oil and the commodity markets. Bernanke's plan to print our way to prosperity is destined to fail. Ultimately, he is just going to spike inflation and collapse the global economy, resulting in a worse downturn than what we saw in 2008/09. Let me explain. Words: 510
Read More »Williams STILL Believes a Hyperinflationary Great Depression is Coming! Here’s Why (+3K Views)
The U.S. economic and systemic-solvency crises of the last five years continue to deteriorate yet they remain just the precursors to the coming Great Collapse: a hyperinflationary great depression. The unfolding circumstance will encompass a complete loss in the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar; a collapse in the normal stream of U.S. commercial and economic activity; a collapse in the U.S. financial system, as we know it; and a likely realignment of the U.S. political environment.
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