The oil sands in northern Alberta are crucially important to the Canadian economy. People from all over the country are traveling there to find work. The news is filled with controversy over proposed pipelines (the Keystone XL and the Northern Gateway) to carry the oil to export markets. Here are 10 things everyone should know about the oil sands. Words: 878
Read More »Why Should WE Make Sacrifices to Offset Global Warming? (Part 3) (+2K Views)
There is no more time remaining to examine or discuss any nagging questions or doubts concerning the merits of anthropogenic induced climate change. We must reduce our collective carbon footprints now. Electricity sourced from coal must be replaced by anything that doesn’t spew CO2, except, of course, nuclear power. Our next car must be a state of the art plug-in electric version, or at least a hybrid. But isn’t the single largest source of electricity the burning of coal? Hmm, how does buying and driving an electric car help? Regardless, we must get with the! No more questions please! Words: 1346
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