Saturday , 25 January 2025

Tag Archives: higher bond yields

Washington Faces Possible Armageddon Unlike Any Since Civil War

The U.S. debt crisis represents a unique, unparalleled, and unimaginable convergence of circumstances yet, despite the utter gravity of our plight, nothing is being done to change our course. Washington must either muster the courage — and the support of the people — to accept the pain and make the sacrifices of a lifetime ... or face the downfall of America. Words: 898

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Ignore Your Financial Advisor: It's Time to Own Gold Not Stocks – Here's Why

I know quite a few people who are still invested in the stock market – if not up to their necks, then certainly for a lot of money. They smile knowingly and say, “Do you know a better place to have made money in 2010?” The answer is, “Yes – gold”, which is where I’ve been. Nevertheless, they do have a point: had I held less cash – and added Stocks to my portfolio – last year would have been even better than it was for my... [investment portfolio. That being said, I'm staying] out of the stock market until the FTSE reaches 3000 [and/or the Dow reaches 6,000 and/or so the S&P 500 reaches 600!] Words: 975

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