The waning days of the Obama administration have set us up perfectly for higher interest rates, a major recession and a giant stock market crash. It is time to batten down the hatches and to prepare for very rough seas ahead.
Read More »What Does Current Money Velocity Say About A Future Rise In Interest Rates?
With all of the things in the world to worry about, how much should we worry about a sudden sharp increase in UST yields? The short answer is not much and here is why.
Read More »Gold Isn’t Going Through the Roof Because of These Economic & Political Realities (+2K Views)
Why isn’t gold going through the roof? This article looks at the common arguments why it should and the realities as to why it isn't.
Read More »World’s Awash In Money: Its Implications & How to Invest Accordingly
Bain & Co., the private equity firm that you might have heard of during the presidential campaign last year, has come out with a fascinating set of projections for the global capital markets...The generality of...the report [is that] the world is awash in money looking for someplace to invest that will earn a return and [that,] over the rest of this decade, the amount of money looking to be invested will grow by about 50%. What does that imply [and how should you therefore invest? This article addresses both issues well.] Words: 1349
Read More »Today's Investment Approach Must Change to Survive Tomorrow's Major Economic Changes – Here's How
The world is hurdling toward what seems to be certain economic collapse so, if your expectations are similar to mine, then you should be exploring ways to prepare for something that eventually will become an economic dark age. Investment performance is always relevant and it has never been more important than in these difficult economic times - nor has it ever been more difficult. Markets have already changed and are getting worse...As the economy worsens, market movements [like the two 50% declines we have seen since 2000] are likely to become more pronounced [and, as such,] it behooves anyone with exposure to the stock market to understand what is happening and [take action to] protect themselves against further 50%, and possibly larger, downsides. [This article outlines how best to do just that.] Words: 1491; Charts: 2; Tables: 1
Read More »U.S. Financial Crisis Makes Future Rioting In The Streets An Almost Certain Outcome! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The U.S. government has put us between the proverbial 'rock and a hard place'. Cutting spending to improve our country's financial situation would surely trigger rioting in the streets by those Americans most adversely affected yet not cutting spending will trigger much higher inflation - even hyperinflation - which will also result in rioting....Government cannot control how this ends. They may be able to tinker with the timing a bit and they still have the choice of poisons with which to destroy the country, [but] that the country is gone, that is no longer alterable. Words: 930
Read More »U.S Likely to Hit the Financial Wall by 2017! Here’s Why (+4K Views)
The deficits aren't going to stop anytime soon. The debt mountain will keep growing...Obviously, the debt can't keep growing faster than the economy forever, but the people in charge do seem determined to find out just how far they can push things....The only way for the politicians to buy time will be through price inflation, to reduce the real burden of the debt, and whether they admit it or not, inflation is what they will be praying for....[and] the Federal Reserve will hear their prayer. When will the economy reach the wall toward which it is headed? Not soon, I believe, but in the meantime there will be plenty of excitement. [Let me explain what I expect to unfold.] Words: 1833
Read More »Rising Inflation Expectations Reflect Brighter Economic Growth – Here's Why
Higher inflation expectations and the outlook for growth are still closely linked. This may be a revelation in some circles (or ignored or even damned in others), but it's been reality for several years now. [Let me explain why such is the case.] Words: 388
Read More »When Will Inflation Expectations & Stocks Stop Moving In Lockstep?
The stock market and inflation expectations remain joined at the hip. As the crowd anticipates higher inflation, the stock market rallies, and vice versa. This positive correlation between inflation and stock prices (a proxy for the economic outlook) won’t last forever and it’s anyone’s guess when [that will be but I have my views on it if you are so interested]. Words: 557
Read More »2012: More Money-printing Leading to Accelerating Inflation, Rising Interest Rates & Then U.S. Debt Crisis! Got Gold? (+4K Views)
Evidence shows that the U.S. money supply trend is in the early stages of hyperbolic growth coupled with a similar move in the price of gold. All sign point to a further escalation of money-printing in 2012...followed by unexpected and accelerating price inflation, followed by a rise in nominal interest rates that will bring a sovereign debt crisis for the U. S. dollar with it as the cost of borrowing for the government escalates...[Let me show you the evidence.] Words: 660
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