This presentation* by David Rosenberg, comes courtesy of Joe Weisenthal ( I’ve disagreed with Rosenberg on the recession call in the USA for a long time now, but we’re on the same page about a lot of the macro trends. Here are three pertinent trends that are worth highlighting from the presentation. Words: 555
Read More »Many Not So Sure That Our Housing Problems Are Behind Us – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
With recent numbers positive for housing realtors, politicians, and others with vested interests, are quick to claim we are on our way back - but are such numbers really meaningful and sustainable? Many more objective analysts, however, are less sure or disagree with this conclusion that the bottom has been reached yet. Here's what some of them have to say. Words: 1377
Read More »Housing NOT Coming Back Any Time Soon! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
"Ben Bernanke is trying like mad to stimulate credit and lending but to no avail. It's an uphill battle because of demographics, student debt, and lack of jobs. [Frankly however, given such an environment,] prospects for family formation are fundamentally very weak and overall economic fundamentals are very weak as well" [and that certainly does not bode well for housing coming back anytime soon. Let me explain.] >Michael "Mish" Shedlock< ( 650
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