Thursday , 19 September 2024

Tag Archives: hyperinflation

These 5 Apocalyptic Engines Causing Hyperbolic Growth in US Money Supply

I recently wrote an article showing how US True Money Supply (TMS) appeared to be growing at a hyperbolic rate [see here], and that gold was also on a hyperbolic course...Hyperbolic growth in the quantity of money ends with hyperinflation... [and] both TMS and the dollar price of gold are pointing to a hyperinflationary outcome. This article explains why this might be so. Words: 764

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2012: Is This How U.S. Financial Crisis Will Unfold Later This Year? (+2K Views)

As economic and political matters become more desperate in the U.S., so will what the government considers acceptable. If a debt default cannot be engineered via continuous inflation as the Fed's current money-printing is attempting to do, it will occur via a direct repudiation of obligations or a quasi-surreptitious one such the hypothetical one I present in this article. Here is... a look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight[ - and your financial well-being too]. Words: 1365

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Nothing Has Changed: The Smart Money is STILL Bullish on Gold

With continued strong investment demand for physical gold in the face of heightened macro uncertainty and unprecedented, globally-coordinated monetary stimulus and a US dollar that will continue its path lower, the best performing assets at present are gold, emerging market equities denominated in local currencies, and commodity related stocks. [Let me explain why that is the case.] Words: 560

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Paul Volcker's View on Inflation Not Right for These Times – Here's Why

Paul Volcker has written an Op-Ed for The New York Times entitled “A Little Inflation Can Be a Dangerous Thing,” in which he argues – and we really won’t dispute it – that allowing inflation above institutionally accepted levels of say, 2 percent, can indeed be a slippery slope, and a very bad thing, but times have changed since Mr. Volcker decided that he would do whatever it took to slay inflation. [These days a little inflation might be a very good thing. Let me explain.] Words: 1636

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The U.S. Dollar Crisis is About to Accelerate! Here's Why

If the debt ceiling deal agreement is fully implemented [it is only going to exacerbate America's financial and economic woes and accelerate the demise of the U.S.] Dollar Standard which is inherently flawed and increasingly unstable. Its demise is imminent. The only question is will it be death by fire—hyperinflation—or death by ice—deflation? Fortunes will be made and lost depending on the answer to that question. [Let me explain how the collapse of the dollar could well unfold.] Words: 944

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Your Savings and Investments Will Be in Dire Jeopardy Going Into 2012 Unless….. (+2K Views)

The United States is now so far in debt, it will never be able to pay it off, that is, without hyper-inflation. That subject alone will require many more articles than this. The sky is not falling (yet) but your savings and investments are in dire jeopardy going into 2012. You might wish to now do something to protect yourself. [May I offer the following investment ideas.] Words: 1648

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The REAL Reason Gold is Escalating in Price (+2K Views)

When someone points to the Fed, the U.S. government and its “central planning” or “money printing” as the primary cause of the surge in the price of gold and justification of their USA hyperinflation theory, you might do them a favor and let them know that they’re right about the flaws of central planning and excessive money printing [but] that they’re focusing on the wrong central bank. [Let me explain why that is the case and who the real "culprit" is.] Words: 856

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$1,800+ for Gold is Still Not Too Much to Pay – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Sooner or later I think everyone will have an epiphany about money that pushes them to buy gold - even if it’s at levels that would seem expensive today. When that time comes, we won’t be focused on the price of gold but on the absolute need to acquire a more lasting asset. If I’m right, the plus $1,700/ozt. price today is not too high a price to pay. [Let me explain further.] Words: 874

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Debt Ceiling Debate Shows Collapse of USD & U.S. Financial Apparatus Unavoidable (+2K Views)

The ridiculous posturing by Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. over the imminent rise in so-called borrowing makes it almost embarrassing to be human. They can’t even get out of the way of their own political agendas to solve a problem threatening to make politics obsolete. Certainly, I’d be embarrassed to be American - or English, Irish, German, French, Swiss, Portuguese and especially Greek, Italian or Spanish. Stand close to any of the Davos men who constitute these nations’ finance ministers and you are immediately struck by the impression that you’re in the presence of the best-dressed con artists walking the globe. [Let me explain.] Words: 1375

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Why Hyperinflation is Not Likely – Let Alone Imminent (+2K Views)

The National Inflation Association (NIA) has just posted an article* which makes a number of interesting arguments for the advent of hyperinflation and, while I agree with the conclusion that we could potentially face such an event, I see it as just one of a few possible outcomes. Let me comment on the specific points in the NIA article. Words: 1666

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