Some of the most respected prognosticators in the financial world are warning that what is coming in 2014 and beyond is going to shake America to the core. Many of the quotes that you are about to read are from individuals that actually predicted the sub-prime mortgage meltdown and the financial crisis of 2008 ahead of time so they have a track record of being right. Does that guarantee that they will be right about what is coming in 2014? Of course not. In fact, as you will see below, not all of them agree about exactly what is coming next but, without a doubt, all of their forecasts are quite ominous.
Read More »“Economic Straight Talk” on Gold, Rogers, Roubini & the Economy
The Economic Straight Talk Newsletter gives you balanced views and contextual comments that save you time. The newsletter's objective is to help you keep up to date, gain new ideas, better trade and invest, better communicate with your investment advisor if you have one, and importantly make your own ‘penny drop’. Take a look.
Read More »George Soros: A Professional & Personal Profile (+2K Views)
While George Soros spent over 40 years managing funds at Soros Fund Management, racking up an incredible average annual return of 20%, he is arguably most known for the huge bets he made against the British pound in 1992. He felt that the European Exchange Rate Mechanism overvalued the pound and that the system was inherently unsustainable so he bet $10 billion on this view and reaped more than $2 billion in profits from his trades. [This article outlines his the life - both professional and personal - of this epitome of a hedge fund manager.] Words: 972
Read More »Gold Bullion: A Lasting Gift Any Time of the Year – Here’s Why
We can all speculate about when the next leg up for gold will kick in, but the point for now is to take advantage of the weakness, like many of [the individuals, central banks and financial institutions are doing/suggesting. When the price breaks out of its trading range, are you sure you won't wish you'd bought a little more? Here's a sampling of this year's "gold bugs" and what they've been doing about precious metals recently. Words: 1449
Read More »The Most Important Questions (and Answers) Regarding What the Futures Hold for 2013
Since 2012 is rapidly coming to a close, I’m fielding questions about what the future holds for 2013. My hope? That my answers will be both informative and instructive, and ultimately profitable, of course. Words: 1588; Charts: 2
Read More »Latest Comments By Jim Rogers, John Paulson & Jeremy Grantham On Gold (+2K Views)
Gold is known as a solid inflation hedge, and could earn this reputation in 2013 if inflation picks up. Below are three well-known gold bugs (Jim Rogers, Jeremy Grantham and John Paulson) and their bold predictions for investing in gold next year and beyond. Words: 525
Read More »Soros and Rogers Agree: Greater Returns from Farmland Than Gold! Here’s Why
Question: What asset has appreciated more than any asset since the year 2000? Answer: Farmland - by 1,200%! [George Soros and Jim Rogers have recognized that fact and invested accordingly. Here is what you need to know to do likewise.] Words: 974
Read More »Beware: Government Claim of Low Inflation is Just B.S.!
Our leaders in Washington are so detached from reality it begs the question, "What are they smoking?" I'm not talking about the insane amounts of spending that's going on in our capital, or even about the patently unpayable debts and promises they're making to all of us and our foreign creditors. Although I think these things, too, result from whatever drugs they're on inside the beltway I am referring the way Washington manipulates its official statistics. Words: 1107
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